FioranoMQ®:Reliable Messaging Infrastructure
サービス業 : Commission Junction 社
- マルチキャストの不採用、メッセージングの採用
- FioranoMQ の HA (高可用性) 機能
- システム管理用 JMX API
『 Commison Junction の技術的なキー ポイントは、パブリッシュ-サブスクラブのメッセージングにおいて、メッセージの損失をゼロにするという点にありました。特に、サブスクライバーが頻繁に接続を切ったり、再度接続してきたりするような状況や多数のサブスクライバーが同時に接続してくるような状況においても、メッセージは必ず配信されなければなりません。ビジネス上の観点からも、信頼性はキーとなるものです。』
Commission Junction 社 CTO Charles Meyers
Commission Junction 社の概要
Commission Junction 社の概要
Commission Junction, a leader in pay-for-performance marketing, delivers advanced solutions that facilitate strategic online relationships between advertisers and publishers, driving accountable results for each client. By publishing performance metrics on advertisers, publishers, and advertisements within its network and leveraging its own expertise in online marketing through service, education and promotion. Commission Junction creates an open marketplace of low risk and high reward for its clients.
Commission Junction needs to distribute online advertisements reliably to its various Application Servers located at different geographical locations. Since, Commission Junction's network includes leading online companies like eBay, GSI Commerce, MSN, BT and Tower Records it becomes all the more important to send information both reliably and quickly. After intensive evaluation tests, Commission Junction chose FioranoMQ for delivering this critical information over other competing JMS (Java Message Service) products.
Commission Junction always understood that they could offer greater benefits to customers if they could send information more reliably and at a greater speed. Since Commission Junction's network includes leading online companies like eBay, GSI Commerce, MSN, NetFlip, eUniverse, (BT Cellnet), Peoplesound, and Tower Records it becomes all the more important to send information both reliably and quickly. Commission Junction needs to distribute Online Advertisements to the various Application Servers located at different geographical locations. "From a technical standpoint, Commission Junction's key requirements were that we needed to implement a publish subscribe messaging model to ensure no messages were lost when subscribers (initially viewed to be around 70 servers) regularly went down and came back up or if the number of subscribers was increased. Reliability was key, as we could not afford to lose even a single message. From a business standpoint, we wanted a messaging product with a proven track record," said Charles Meyers, CTO at Commission Junction.

FioranoMQ provided precisely the kind of messaging solution that Commission Junction needed. Engineered for the most complex enterprise transactions with proven high availability of large scale deployments at industry leading Corporations, Fiorano's file-based data store delivers guaranteed messages significantly faster than any other JMS implementation, which was a key component of Commission Junction's IT infrastructure. JMS clients continue to operate even in the event that they become disconnected from the FioranoMQ Broker. FioranoMQ also allows expanded application access to support remote users, who might have unreliable or non-existent network connections.

In tests conducted by Commission Junction, FioranoMQ proved to be the fastest and most scalable JMS server for guaranteed message delivery. Since FioranoMQ also offers guaranteed delivery of data across multiple FioranoMQ Servers over a WAN it is possible to deploy reliable distributed systems that span geographically dispersed locations and can handle intermittent or long term network failures. "When we started with the evaluation of JMS Servers from various vendors there were 4-5 keys features that we were looking for - Reliability, failover and clustering, performance, scalability, JMS standards compliance." said Charles Meyers, CTO at Commission Junction. "FioranoMQ came out with flying colors in all of them during the entire evaluation period. Fiorano delivers a solid product. Their technical support is some of the best in the business."
FioranoMQ デザインゴール (製品コンセプトの説明)
JMS の機能概要 (Java メッセージ サービスとは)
FioranoMQ の付加価値機能 (JMS を補完する機能)
FioranoMQ のメッセージ配信性能
『FioranoMQ のクラスタリング -- メッセージング プラットフォームの障害回復と負荷分散』 (資料ダウンロードページへ)
『メッセージング ミドルウェアが備えるべき機能 -- JMS を補完する機能』 (資料ダウンロードページへ)