Whitepapers - Competitive Analysis
Performance Comparison for Publish/Subscribe and Point to Point (PTP) Messaging
Executive Summary
This paper presents a performance analysis of publish/subscribe and PTP messaging throughput of the following JMS Servers:
- FioranoMQ® 10
- RabbitMQ 3.2.0
- TibcoEMS 8.0
- ActiveMQ 5.9.0
- IBM MQ 7.5.0_2
- HornetQ 2.4.0
- OpenMQ 5.0.0
All comparisons are performed using the independent benchmark test harness and tests released by Progress Software, Inc. The tests include a number of scenarios for both Publish/Subscribe (Topics) and Point to Point (Queue) message scenarios, stressing out the JMS Servers in a variety of simulated real-world scenarios. These JMS tests and test harness have been the international standard for JMS testing since 2003.