Message-Driven Microservice Model
Defines a coarse-grained, message-driven model for Enterprise microservices enabling each microservice to execute as an independent entity that is not tied into the context of execution until runtime, simplifying the componentization of existing Web Services, Database applications, Legacy, J2EE and .NET software assets, enhancing their reuse within event-driven business processes and automatically maximizing the parallelism concurrency within each business integration process.
Distributed, Dynamic Deployment and Management
Enables microservice deployment across the ESB infrastructure from any centralized location, allowing each individual microservice to be independently configured, managed, updated and redeployed without disrupting other services or processes.
Event-Process Orchestration
By enabling message-flows between distributed microservices to be set up dynamically by the underlying middleware, allows the logical process design to be mapped directly to physical services distributed across the ESB, empowering non-technical "citizen integrators" to compose, deploy and modify simple business processes.
Lifecycle Management and Versioning
Configuration management of labeled microservices and event-processes allowing controlled deployment across network end-points together with automatic transitions, with customizable service and process profiles, across the software lifecycle (development, QA, staging, production).
Support for multiple protocols and transports
Allows users to choose the transport used for event-flows between distributed microservices at runtime, providing the flexibility to use multiple transports and protocols across any distributed event-process.