Whitepapers - SOA/ESB

Service Components - The quickest path to an SOA

Learn more how this Service module is an independent software application that executes a specific business level activity/function.

Executive Summary

The emergence of the Enterprise Service Bus ( ESB ) over the past two years has spurred the deployment of componentized applications based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). SOA, enables the development of business systems and processes with loosely-coupled components (often referred to as "services"), leading to greater business agility. Much of the focus of the industry in general has been on the architecture of the underlying ESB infrastructure that supports an SOA. While the adoption of standards has eased the learning curve of new tools, basic ESB-infrastructure improvements have not significantly reduced the effort involved in deploying and managing new business processes, primarily because an ESB is simply a platform that unifies the advantages of multiple previous generations of middleware. This article illustrates that the key to enabling the rapid deployment of componentized, extensible and agile business processes is a comprehensive model for Service Components � the application-level modules that are wired together over an ESB to deploy an enterprise SOA.

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