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GT Software と技術提携し、メインフレームの SOA 化ソリューションを提供 -- Fiorano (フィオラノ)

GT Software と技術提携し、メインフレームの SOA 化ソリューションを提供

この提携によってメインフレームを連携させた SAO や BPM が容易に実現できるようになります

Los Gatos CA – July 03, 2007

Fiorano Software Inc, ( a leading provider of business integration and SOA-ESB middleware solutions, today announced technology collaboration with GT Software (, a leading provider of mainframe integration solutions. Under the agreement, technical support staff from GT Software will facilitate enterprise integration of mainframe assets for customers of Fiorano SOA™ 2007.

The arrangement simplifies SOA-based integration in extremely complex environments, enabling developers to establish services more easily and integrate mainframe data of all types into the Fiorano platform.

Fiorano SOA 2007 platform is the first SOA platform for real-time business built on a standards-based Enterprise Service Bus, enabling the effective coordination and interaction of software assets across the extended enterprise. Fiorano SOA 2007 platform allows companies to draw on existing business logic and processes residing anywhere within the enterprise to rapidly assemble solutions for particular problems, leading to unmatched flexibility, increased productivity, and improved responsiveness to changing business conditions.

GT Software enables rapid Service Oriented Architecture development for the mainframe using existing skills sets, applications and data, allowing mainframes to become an active participant in SOA business. GT Software’s technology seamlessly exposes mainframe applications or parts thereof as business services within an SOA.

"The partnership with GT software allows mainframe applications to participate as first-class citizens in heterogeneous SOA business processes for the first time," said Atul Saini, CEO and CTO of Fiorano. "The enormous business logic previously locked up in mainframe silos can now be effectively reused with ease across the extended enterprise via Fiorano’s scalable and distributed platform solutions. Our customers have come to know and respect GT Software’s expertise, and this teamwork will bring accelerated business benefits to them."

Where appropriate, the arrangements may also entail sales and implementation of GT Software’s Ivory product line. The centerpiece of GT Software’s mainframe solution, Ivory Service Architect uniquely enables rapid SOA development, using existing skills sets, applications, and data, instantly turning mainframe developers into service developers.

"Organizations today are seeking comprehensive integration solutions that are simple, affordable and fully scalable," said Wilson Rains, Vice President of Alliances for GT Software. "Partnering with Fiorano will yield a combined solution that provides more nimble mainframe-based SOA and business process management competencies with quick ROI, greater interoperability and robust performance and scalability."

About GT Software :
Founded in 1982, Atlanta-based GT Software ( is a leading provider of rapid SOA development solutions that leverage mainframe resources, making the mainframe an active participant in SOA initiatives. With GT Software’s products, mainframe developers can quickly and easily model, automate, and extend mainframe processes for deployment as key components of an enterprise SOA solution. With more than 2,000 installations worldwide, GT Software provides high-quality, innovative and cost-effective solutions for many Fortune 1000 companies.

Fiorano Software について
Fiorano Software ( は、カリフォルニア州ロスガトスに本社を置く、インテグレーション ミドルウェアのリーディング企業です。Fiorano Software のソリューションは、インターオペラべりティ、パフォーマンス、スケーラビリティ、ROI などの面で新たなパラダイムをもたらしています。ボーイング、ブリティッシュ テレコム、NASA、シュルンベルジェ、Federal Reserve Bank of New York、FedEx、ロッキード マーチン、マッケンソンなどの世界的なリーダ企業で Fiorano Software の技術が採用されており、企業のバックボーン システムとして稼動しております。

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Fiorano Software 日本オフィス
青島 茂
Tel. (03)-5464-8743

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