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Manufacturing is a very complex and capital intensive industry. Multiple plants, numerous departments, processes, products and markets, distributed supply chain network and associated transactions span a manufacturing business. To remain competitive and tackle the challenge of eroding profit margins, companies must continuously reduce costs and inventory, improve quality and service and shorten cycle times.

To attain operational efficiencies, manufacturing companies around the world have made huge IT investments and created islands of information systems resulting in a corporate information puzzle. Such islands restrict the flow of information across their organization thus failing to provide a real time and complete view of business data. What is required is a solution to integrate these myriad applications, systems and databases, to facilitate efficient and effective information flow.

Fiorano's approach towards an integrated enterprise fully leverages existing IT investments, while delivering the long-term flexibility and scalability you need at a low cost. Fiorano SOA Platform® automates activities that span processes, people and organizations. Fiorano SOA Platform® will allow you to:

  • Integrate disparate systems like CRM, EIS, SCM, transportation systems, billing and accounting systems, vendor managed inventory systems, plant maintenance, asset management systems
  • Create a real-time integrated view of customers, trading partners.
  • Reduce working capital requirements by removing order processing bottlenecks and reducing inventory over-stock situations
  • Integrate transportation and delivery processes with downstream systems to optimize logistics and distribution flows.
  • Facilitate a seamless flow of information from business processes to shop floor and vice versa to provide real-time integration between manufacturing layers.
  • Automate dissemination of product data to third party key component suppliers enabling collaborative design in an integrated environment.
  • Enable collaborative and integrated Web based processes for E-Tailing and E-Procurement.
  • Meet the strategic data reporting needs of general business management and strategic planning functions

Fiorano SOA Platform® based on Enterprise Service Bus offers a number of benefits over existing integration solutions, including faster implementation and deployment cycles, a flexible platform for future expansion offering a high degree of reuse, easy extensibility, seamless interoperability and an improved ROI.

Contact Us Today to find our more about how Fiorano solutions can empower your organisation.


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