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Fiorano Developer Zone

Welcome to the Fiorano Developer Zone, the home of developer information for the Fiorano SOA Platform® developer community. This site provides up-to-date information on how to integrate people, systems, and data to develop solutions for your business with Fiorano SOA Platform®. These resources can help you understand Fiorano SOA Platform® in depth.

Getting Started   New to Fiorano SOA Platform®? Here's a fast link to essential information.
Ask A Question   Have a suggestion for what you would like to see on the Fiorano DevZone? Send us mail.
  Best Practices
This tutorial explains ESB as a concept and then follows it up with a sample demonstration of how an ESB can be used for solving some typical business problems.
  Integration Pattern Demos
 Database Synchronization
This Flash demo (8 mins, 11 MB), illustrates how one can synchronize distributed databases over the Fiorano ESB™ in less than 5 minutes without any programming. For more information on the importance of the data consistency pattern in application integration More »
 HL7 Integration Flow
This Flash demo (6 mins, 2.8MB) illustrates how systems using HL7 protocol can easily be integrated using Fiorano. HL7 provides a set of interoperability standards for healthcare sector in order to improve the delivery of health services.
 SAP Integration
This Flash demo (5 mins, 8 MB), illustrates a classical request/reply interaction where an input from a Web-page is fed into an SAP system to retrieve sales information. It illustrates how you can integrate seamlessly with SAP in minutes using BAPI and IDOCS connectors.
» Technical Support:
Support is available during the Evaluation period. For more details Click Here.

» Pricing:
For pricing information or to buy the software please Email us, we will contact you!

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