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Product Architecture Center

The content presented on this page includes links to information designed to help ensure that your Fiorano SOA Platform® implementation is well designed by developing a solid plan.


Fiorano Enterprise Service Bus™ Architecture and Concepts
An overview of Fiorano Enterprise Service Bus™ architecture and concepts.

ESB Best Practices
Understanding best practices for a successful Enterprise Service Bus Implementation.

More ESB Best Practices
Download PDF 
Understanding more best practices for a successful Implementation of the Fiorano Enterprise Service Bus™.

Relevant Whitepapers

Service Component Architecture - Unifying SOA and EDA
Learn more how this new architecture concept logically unifies SOA and EDA into a single framework.

Services Oriented Architecture Implementation Frameworks
A guide to business benefits of Services Oriented Architecture Implementation Frameworks. (SOAIF)

Demystifying Enterprise Service Bus Technology
Learn how ESBs cut implementation complexities and dramatically reduce TCO of Integration projects.

Technical Articles and Documentation

Fiorano SOA Platform Documentation Center
Fiorano SOA Platform includes a comprehensive set of documentation that covers every aspect of its implementation. Besides the online help this includes detailed information on GUI tools provided with Fiorano SOA Platform, the documentation includes PDF files that introduce you to the underlying concepts and help you in installing, configuring, and administering a Fiorano SOA Platform setup.

Release Notes
Besides enriching the Business Component model, Fiorano SOA Platform delivers significant improvement in event throughput across the peer network, while exposing more JMS semantics at the Event Process Composition level. This document lists some of the key features delivered with the Fiorano SOA Platform release. Also included is a list of known limitations of the GA release.

Getting Started
This guide gets you started with the Fiorano SOA Platform. It lists the procedures for starting and shutting down the various Fiorano SOA Platform servers and tools, and provides links to documents containing detailed information on all aspects of Fiorano SOA Platform.
Whitepaper Download
Fiorano ESB Architecture

“Depending on the architecture of the ESB suite, the deployment technology can be that of a hub and spoke or that of a bus. The distributed processing of a bus topology has the potential to provide better performance than a hub when deployed on equivalent hardware platforms.......... A bus topology is inherently more resilient than a hub-and-spoke topology, which can present a single point of failure when deployed on a single hardware platform.”

Jess Thompson
VP and Research Fellow,
Research Vice President, Gartner Inc.
Software Infrastructure and Architecture group.

From: Gartner Research: Q&A for Brokered Versus Point-to-Point Integration Approaches. 17 June 2010; ID: G00201078

Related Links

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