Whitepapers - Business Integration

The Fiorano Enterprise Service Bus - ROI Primer

Learn more about the 10 ROI Drivers of Fiorano ESB™

Executive Summary

As organizations build out their networks, enabling applications and data to leverage these distributed infrastructures is still a daunting task. In the 'irrational exuberance' era, large applications infrastructures were built on traditional hub-and-spoke, publish/subscribe architectures with expensive customization of adapters and applications. However, in the current reality of doing ’more with less’, the complexity of current applications infrastructures becomes a barrier to success.

Fiorano has been working on addressing the fundamental architectural limitations of distributed applications since 1995. The Fiorano ESB™ is an industry-first, peer-to-peer, standards-based Services Integration Platform that is being used by enterprises to build manageable, scalable and affordable EAI solutions. Fiorano ESB™, built on FioranoMQ® - the world's fastest, most scalable JMS server, has addressed some key customer requirements. It is a simple, affordable, and scalable approach that enables Component-based Business Process Composition. Using the notion of coarse-grain programming techniques to create a palette of reusable components, the creation, prototyping, production and ongoing management of complex applications can be made as simple as manipulating numerical macros in a spreadsheet as used today.

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