Fiorano staying the course in the hybrid integration race
An early entrant in the hybrid cloud integration race, Fiorano appears to be on the right track as it continues with its distributed peer-to-peer integration architecture and a somewhat more recent API management chassis.
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Fiorano features in the Top 20 most promising global API solution providers, 2015
The Palo Alto-based company empowers real-time, digital enterprises with a bimodal integration and API management strategy
to deliver solutions across cloud, on-premise and hybrid environments. Fiorano's API management platform delivers security and monitoring capabilities to assess API performance,
along with metering and management capabilities.
The platform performs manifold functionalities such as building simplified APIs, providing proxies on top of existing APIs, client management, automated creation, and deployment of relevant artifacts. "Our platform is built in an extensible manner, so that any custom protocols and formats can be easily integrated with it and used like any other prebuilt feature," elucidates Saini. Fiorano's platform also incorporates a management server that serves as the repository and controller for the platform while the runtime is handled by one or multiple gateway servers clustered as environments. The analytics information from gateway servers is collected by the integrated management server through a reliable Java Message Service (JMS) channel, even in times when the management server is down. Moreover, all the security-related lookups at runtime are formulated from a Big Data (Cassandra) server tuned for efficient read performance.
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Microservices: Avoiding Dumb Pipes
One of the hottest new terms in the world of enterprise computing is the microservice. Starting with the seminal 2014 article by James Lewis and Martin Fowler of ThoughtWorks, microservices have taken on a life of their own - and as with any other overhyped term, they have generated their fair share of confusion as well.
The focus of this article, however, is on how microservices communicate with each other and with everything else. As Janakiram points out, such communication should be lightweight and platform-agnostic, what Lewis and Fowler refer to as dumb pipes.
Rethinking the smart endpoints/dumb pipes dichotomy as smart endpoints/web scale pipes sends a better message about the proper approach to integration in a microservices architecture. Furthermore, this way of thinking about microservice integration opens up an appropriate consideration of a broad class of web scale integration technologies, including products from companies like Fiorano Software
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Fiorano Software: API Management for Everyone
This scrappy Palo Alto and Bengaluru-based vendor competed successfully in the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) market with the middleware behemoths of the time, including IBM, Oracle, Software AG WebMethods, and TIBCO, to name a few. While other smaller vendors were either acquired or dropped off the radar, the secret to Fiorano's survival was a critical architectural decision that differentiated their ESB in fundamental ways. More »
Fiorano Positioned as "Visionary" for the 7th Time in Gartner's Application Integration Magic Quadrants
This makes Fiorano the only vendor to be named in the 'Visionary' quadrant for 7 times in the last 10 years in Gartner's Magic Quadrant research for application integration spectrum."We believe this comes as recognition to Fiorano's dedication in providing best-in-class integration solution, which has been in the forefront in maintaining lead with continuous innovation in products and its features," said Atul Saini, CEO of Fiorano Software. More »
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Infrastructure for Systematic Application Integration Projects
The report examines vendors whose products address the needs of systematic application-to-application (A2A), business-to-business (B2B) and cloud-to-on-premises application integration. Fiorano's SOA Platform, Enterprise Service Bus (Fiorano ESB), Cloud platform (Fiorano Cloud), messaging software (FioranoMQ) and related application adapters were evaluated in this Magic Quadrant. More »
Independent ROI Calculator for SOA
SOA Cost Comparison depends on looking at software systems in a stack in an IT data center. Managing
a stack takes a lot of expertise, some of the management is automated, some of it manual. The problem
with automated process is that it is difficult to change and can be inflexible. If you change one thing, it
may make things that were working stop working. The problems with manual process are all related to
the cost of developer and manager time.
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On the Radar: Fiorano
Simplifying integration through a peer-to-peer architectural
Fiorano Cloud Platform combines the capabilities of traditional and cloud-based integration
approaches in the form of a hybrid integration infrastructure. The platform is a simple and efficient solution to the various complex integration issues that organizations are facing in the current business environment. While its prominent use case is on-premise to cloud integration, it is also capable of fulfilling the requirements of cloud to cloud, intra-cloud, and B2B integrations. One of the differentiating features of this platform is the underlying peer-to-peer architecture that ensures a more efficient and flexible realtime integration by providing centralized control and greater data access flexibility. More »
BPM in the Cloud: Disruptive Technology
Why the middleware-in-the-Cloud approach to PaaS is doomed to fail
"ZapThink, of course, saw the world of SOA-enabled BPM quite differently. In our view, the Service-oriented way of looking at BPM was to free it from the engines, and focus on Services: composing them and consuming them. But there was a catch: Services are inherently stateless. The challenge with the Service-oriented approach to BPM was how to main state for each process instance in an inherently stateless environment.
" We tackled the problem of state head on back in 2006, when we discussed how to maintain state in compositions of stateless Services that implement processes. Then in 2008, we discussed how you could free SOA-based BPM from middleware by maintaining state in message interactions between Services and their consumers. If you got this right, you wouldn’t need a heavyweight process engine to do it for you. More »
REST-Based SOA: an Iconoclastic Approach
We want to favor responding to change over following a plan–even if that plan is how SOA or even REST is “supposed to be done.” The goal is stuff that actually addresses the business problem, not some adherence to official dogma. Therefore, it came as no surprise to us when an organization [the United States Coast Guard (USCG)] contacted us and let us know that they are taking the REST-based SOA approach. What the USCG has done is implement an architecture that actually works for them that is, it delivers loosely coupled, abstracted Business Services with the flexibility and performance they require. And remember, actually working trumps following a pre-determined set of best practices every time – especially when those best practices don’t actually solve the problems at hand.
USCG's SPEAR approach is taking a fully Service-oriented approach to maintaining state. They are able to do so in spite of leveraging an ESB because they selected the Fiorano ESB, which has long maintained state in a fully message-centric manner, instead of spawning threads to keep track of state as in other vendors’ ESBs.
There are two important morals here. First, REST-based SOA is alive and well, and offers straightforward solutions to many of the knottier problems that Web Services-based SOA has suffered from. But even more importantly, the success the USCG has achieved shows that any architectural approach is nothing more than a loose collection of best practices. More »
Message Driven SOA - Getting rapid results with SOA
Message-driven SOA has its roots in the ongoing requirement many companies have to improve integration across different business disciplines and systems, but by bringing in aspects of SOA it offers an easier and more cost-effective response to this need while providing additional SOA benefits such as faster time to market and improved business visibility of operations. More »
Bloor Research - Event-driven SOA and BPM - Fiorano SOA Platform®
Fiorano SOA Platform® is certainly an environment that organisations with a development strategy based on multiple languages and platforms should look at to support SOA, Event processing and BPM. More »
Aberdeen Group - Enterprise Service Bus and SOA Middleware
An enterprise service bus ( ESB ) is messaging middleware that provides the secure interoperability and message transport services between application "services" in a service oriented architecture (SOA) computing environment. More »
University of Wuerzburg , Germany - Throughput Performance of Popular JMS Servers
The throughput of the three investigated server types spans over several orders of magnitude with FioranoMQ® achieving the highest one, followed by SunMQ, and WebsphereMQ achieving the lowest one. More »
SOA WebServices - Fiorano SOA Platform®
A Honey of A Product for those unfamiliar with the product, it’s a feature-rich SOA/BPM development, deployment, and administration suite built on the company’s J2EE ESB technology. More »
Network Computing - Fiorano SOA Platform®
Fiorano SOA Platform®. we liked its security focus, and the Fiorano Mapper is one of the best visual data mapping tools we've seen. More »
Butler Group Technology Audit - Fiorano SOA Platform®
Fiorano SOA Platform® is the new branding for Fiorano´s Business Integration Suite, which has a still stronger emphasis on the development of composite applications in its latest release. More »
Enterprise Service Bus Market Lifecycle Ratings
Butler Group's Market Lifecycle Ratings have been designed to reflect the industry dynamics, by grouping the likely performance of vendors through the three major market phases of early adoption, market adoption, and market maturity. More »
Putting the Control of Business Processes into the Business User’s Hands
Learn more about how Fiorano’s event-based, business process-driven approach solves today’s business problems by direclty mapping the model of a business process to the underlying implementation, removing the disconnect between business and IT that companies face today. More »
EAI Keeps Integration Simple - Fiorano Delivers
Learn more about how Fiorano is the next logical step for EAI. Fiorano's Business Integration Suite took Editor's Choice award because it outdid its rivals in meeting our key criterion--simplicity without being light on features. More »
Independent Product Review by BIJ: Fiorano Extends the Power of ESB
Learn more about how Fiorano uniquely combines ESB, BPM and SOA approaches, creating a platform that is optimal toward solving the needs of integration scenarios that are mission-critical, business-process driven, and highly distributed. More »
Web Services Journal honors Fiorano ESB with World Class Product Award
Learn more about how Fiorano's Enterprise Service Bus helps developers and IT workers to deal with heterogeneous interfaces, workflow, process management, security, and administration and stitching these systems together. More »
ZapThink's ZapNote: Fiorano Software, delivering on the promise of process-driven, service-oriented integration
Learn more about how Fiorano as a first vendor is pulling together all the requisite components required to meet the needs of enterprise architects looking to build SOA-based solutions that deliver on the promise of business agility. More »
Butler Group Technology Audit - Fiorano ESB 3.7
Fiorano ESB is well-designed and contains some sophisticated functionality that will support organisations in solving today's integration problems while remaining open to future possibilities such as service-oriented architectures and composite application development. More »