

  • Understand Representational State Transfer (REST).
  • Learn about REST-based SOA.
  • Know how the REST approach extends to the Cloud.
  • Hear from an industry expert - Jason Bloomberg.
  • Learn about real success stories in
    Rest-based SOA implementations

Who should attend

  • CIO, CTO, VP and Heads of Technology
  • Director-Infrastructure
  • Enterprise/SOA Architects
  • IT Managers/SOA Consultants

Event Topics


Representational State Transfer, or REST, is an HTTP-centric approach to addressing resources on a network. Heralded as simpler and less verbose than Web Services, REST has engendered a near-religious fervor among architects and integration engineers in enterprises around the globe. In spite of its supposed simplicity, however, REST as an architectural style still confuses many people. In the context of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), REST provides several alternative implementation approaches to Web Services. When architected properly, REST-based SOA is more lightweight, flexible, and user-centric than "traditional" Web Services-based SOA - but as with all architectural approaches, the devil is in the details.

RESTful Cloud Computing

Enterprises typically begin their move to the Cloud with "toe in the water" initiatives: email in the Cloud, or perhaps leveraging a SaaS provider's offering. Before long, the focus shifts to the on-premise legacy environment: how can we move our old apps and systems to the Cloud, or perhaps integrate them with the Cloud? At this point, the illusion that the Cloud is some sort of virtual server in the sky begins to break down. The missing link: enterprise architecture that takes into account the unique characteristics of the Cloud environment.

The secret to applying the REST style in a Cloud environment is to build hypermedia applications, allowing for infinitely scalable applications built on elastic, stateless Cloud instances. However, this approach requires an architect's perspective that ties REST as an architectural style with the architectural context of the Cloud. We'll pull all three threads together-SOA, REST, and Cloud Computing-into a set of practical approaches that provide greater agility at a lower cost.