We decided to go with the Fiorano ESB platform, because we felt there were some distinct advantage... Read More »

EasyPay selected Fiorano ESB because it outperformed the competition in performance and ease of use... Read More »

FioranoMQ® enables us to put into practice strategic schemes that would have been too expensive in the past... Read More »

Fiorano ESB not only automated the entire process, resulting in accelerated time-to-market, but it also gave business analyst visibility into how we interacted... Read More »

Financial Services


"There is no doubt in my mind that competing in the banking and financial services market today requires cutting edge technology. Customers are no longer content to wait and going forward responsiveness, accuracy and customer service will delineate the leaders from the laggards. Federal Bank made a conscious decision to invest in Fiorano ESB as the solution of choice. The power of the product is in its architectural simplicity which allows the Bank to put in place a flexible architecture that will scale linearly and allow business decisions to be implemented at the IT level speedily."

K.P. Sunny
Head, IT
Federal Bank

"As very active users of Fiorano's latest software, we are delighted to find that we have become masters of reuse of components within our projects. We no longer have to code from scratch which has reduced cost and allowed us to offer more services to our clients. In fact, our services model has expanded and our integration projects have become easier. Our clients of course benefit from this level of integration to our core platforms. I would recommend the IT users to look at this advanced middleware solution if integration of solutions is required. I would be very happy to meet the management of any company perusing this route to give advice having learnt how best to ensure success in this space."

Christopher Ward,
Technical Programme Manager,
SSP Insurance, UK

"EasyPay selected Fiorano ESB because it outperformed the competition in performance and ease of use. These criteria are important to us because of the high volume of transactions that we process and because we need the agility to be able to respond quickly to opportunities and threats"

Anthony Ferguson,
CTO, EasyPay