
Inserting Extended Services in an Event Process

An Extended Service can be inserted into an Event Process. The imported Extended Service instance is the reference to the service instance in the parent Extended Service. Any changes made to the service instance in the parent Extended Service are reflected in the current Event Process. The current Event process can be launched only when the remote Extended Service is running.
To add an Extended Service into an Event process, perform the steps below:

1. Right-click on the orchestration editor and select the Insert Remote Service instance.

Figure 21: Insert Remote Extended Service option
2. The Select Extended Services dialogue box opens, as shown in the figure below. This dialog box lists all the Extended Services.
Figure 22: Select Extended Service dialog
3. Select the Extended Services to be added and click the OK button.
The Extended Service is added to the Event Process as shown in the figure below.

Figure 23: Extended Service added to the Event process

Creating an Extended Service from the existing services of an Event Process

Figure 24: Creating Extended Services from an existing Event Process
Select all the required service instances from the Event Process.
Right click on the service instance and select Save Selection As.

Figure 25: Extended Service Save Selection As Dialogue box

  1. From the Save Selection as dialogue box that appears, enable the check-box entry to save the Event process as an Extended Service
  2. The default category value is User Extended Services and the value can be modified by selecting the required entry from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the details of the Extended Service and click on the Finish button.

The Extended Service will be saved in the Extended Service repository.
Note : The server group must be added before running the Extended Service.

Adaptavist ThemeBuilder EngineAtlassian Confluence