Please follow the below instructions enable fmq loggings at the component level:
- Delete the jar named "slf4j-nop-1.7.5.jar" from the location %FIORANO_HOME%/extlib/apacheds/lib.
- Ensure that the jar named "slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar" is present at %FIORANO_HOME%/extlib/slf4j.
- Configure the file in the location %FIORANO_HOME%/fmq/bin in the following manner:
- Uncomment the line log4j.logger.Fiorano.FMQ.Services.ClientRootLoggerServices.FMQClientLoggerServices=OFF,FILE
- Modify the log level from "OFF" to "ON" in the above-mentioned line.
'FILE' denotes that the logs are written to the log.out file
- To change the name of the file name, modify the value of the variable log4j.appender.FILE.File(=log.out).
- Add '' file and 'slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar' jar to the classpath by following the steps:
- In eStudio, navigate to Service Repository view (Window > Show View > Service Repository).
- Expand the corresponding category and right-click the required component Edit > Deployment and click Add under the Resource table.
- Go to %FIORANO_HOME%/extlib/slf4j, double click the 'slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar'.Save the changes.
Add the '' file from the location %FIORANO_HOME%/fmq/bin in the same way.
The file and the jar get added to the classpath.
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