Installer Path format

  • UNIX based systems: $FIORANO_HOME
  • Windows: %FIORANO_HOME%

Please follow the below instructions enable fmq loggings at the component level:

  1. Delete the jar named "slf4j-nop-1.7.5.jar" from the location %FIORANO_HOME%/extlib/apacheds/lib. 
  2. Ensure that the jar named "slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar" is present at %FIORANO_HOME%/extlib/slf4j.
  3. Configure the file in the location %FIORANO_HOME%/fmq/bin in the following manner:
    1. Uncomment the line log4j.logger.Fiorano.FMQ.Services.ClientRootLoggerServices.FMQClientLoggerServices=OFF,FILE
    2. Modify the log level from "OFF" to "ON" in the above-mentioned line.
    3. 'FILE' denotes that the logs are written to the log.out file 


      The log.out file can be found in the present working directory of the component which is %FIORANO_HOME%/runtimedata/PeerServers/<profileName>/FPS/run/components/<ComponentName>/<Version>

    4. To change the name of the file name, modify the value of the variable log4j.appender.FILE.File(=log.out).
  4. Add '' file and 'slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar' jar to the classpath by following the steps:
    1. In eStudio, navigate to Service Repository view (Window > Show View > Service Repository).
    2. Expand the corresponding category and right-click the required component Edit > Deployment and click Add under the Resource table.
    3. Go to %FIORANO_HOME%/extlib/slf4j, double click the 'slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar'.Save the changes.
    4. Add the '' file from the location %FIORANO_HOME%/fmq/bin in the same way.
      The file and the jar get added to the classpath.


      If any changes are made in the file, then the same file need to be updated in the classpath (repeat the Step 4) of the component as well.


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