Method 1 - Using Client Secret

Enabling mail retrieval registering with Microsoft identity platform

To retrieve mails from outlook using OAUTH2 Client Secret based Authentication, obtain client_id,tenant_id,client_secret.

Follow the below links for the steps to accomplish the corresponding tasks:

Configuring the component

Managed Connection Factory


  1. Select the "IMAP" option from the Protocol drop-down.
  2. Under Connection Configuration, provide the following property values:
    1. MailserverURL:
    2. MailServer Port: 993
  3. Provide the following additional properties:
    1. mail.imap.starttls.enable = true
    2. mail.imap.socketFactory.class =

Authentication Configuration


OAUTH2 is a token-based authentication which uses access token to authenticate mail server.

Post request URL for requesting access token from Microsoft server using client secret in the following format:

Testing the configuration

  1. Select OAUTH2 as Authentication Type
    1. Username - Mail Id that is associated with Azure Active Directory
    2. Token URL - URL should be of the following format


      Here TENANT_ID, is replaced with Directory(tenant)ID that is obtained from Azure Application

  2. Add the following Request Properties:
    1. grant_type = client_credentials
    2. client_id = Application(client)ID value that is obtained from Azure Application
    3. scope =
    4. client_secret = Replace with secret value obtained from azure application
  3. Test the connection using Test button in Managed Connection Factory.


Method 2 - Using Client Certificate

Generating certificate and private/public keys

Certificate and Private Key

Enter the following command to generate Certificate and Private Key using OpenSSL tool:

Enter the DN information upon prompting.

Public Key

To generate public key from (.crt) certificate, use the following command:

Enabling mail retrieval registering with Microsoft identity platform

To retrieve mails from outlook using OAUTH2 Client Certificate based Authentication, obtain client_id,tenant_id,certificate thumbprint

Generating Access Token

For certificate-based authentication, use the REST API for getting the access token in the following format:


Here, client_assertion is an encoded JWT Token signed with private key using RS 256 algorithm

Creating client_assertion JWT Token

Use for generating the JWT token.



Base64url-encoded SHA-1 thumbprint of the X.509 certificate's DER encoding.


Use to convert the Certificate Thumbprint Hex string to Base64.

This converter tool decodes the Hex string into its original data, then encodes it to Base64.


Remove any trailing = characters


Claims (payload)


expexpiration time after which jwt is not accepted 16739557707
jtia unique identifier for the JWT
nbftime before which the JWT is accepted for processing 16739555707

Signing JWT Token

Sign the JWT token using Private key and Public key generated using the OpenSSL tool.

The encoded format of JWT Token gives the client_assertion


Configuring the component

Managed Connection Factory

To configure the component, follow the same steps mentioned in the Managed Connection Factory section under the Method 1 - Using Client Secret section.

Authentication Configuration

In Authentication Configuration window, replace client_secret property with

  • client_assertion_type = urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer
  • client_assertion = the encoded JWT Token

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