
The RDBMS security realm is a custom realm that stores Users, Groups and ACLs in a relational database. It uses configuration information to obtain database connection information. Using the connection information it connects to the database and loads Users, Groups, Permissions, and ACLs. Since the methods for loading and saving the Realm modify the values, the Realm is maintained in a 'stored state' rather than saved. Configuring the RDBMS Security realm involves setting fields that define the JDBC driver used to connect to the database. Additionally, it defines the schema used to store Users, Groups, and ACLs in the database.




The full class name of the JDBC driver. This class name must be in the CLASSPATH of FioranoMQ Server.


The URL for the database used with the RDBMS realm, as specified in the JDBC driver documentation.


The username of the database user.


The password for the username.

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