Scripts present under <fiorano_installation_dir>
This script is used to set Environment Variable which is used throughout the Fiorano server scripts. It is also used to set the Endorsed libraries.
This script is used to set executable permissions of all the scripts present in the FioranoMQ Installation.
Scripts present under <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/bin
This script is used to backup the database of the profile specified by the user. This script moves the existing database from the profile directory to the backup database directory.
This moves the existing database from the FioranoMQ/run directory to a specified directory. By default, a backup of the FioranoMQ database is taken and a new directory inside the profiles/FioranoMQ directory is created using the current date of the system.
This script is used to clear the existing database of the FioranoMQ Server.
By default, the database of FioranoMQ profile is cleared upon this command.
- -profile <profilename>: Profilename from profiles directory to the profile to be deployed. Defaults to FioranoMQ.
- –DBDir <FMQ DB path>: Database directory for configured profile. Defaults to <fiorano_installation_dir>\fmq\profiles\<profile>\run"
- -profilesDir <Profiles directory>: Directory where profiles are present.Defaults to <fiorano_installation_dir>\fmq\profiles
This script is used to compile Java samples which are included within the installer. External jars can be added to classpath in <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/bin/complie-client.conf
This script is used to create a database. There are two ways by which databases can be created.
Using FioranoMQ Configuration:
The database section of the FioranoMQ profile has to be configured. Refer to Chapter 6: Configuring Message Store for information on configuring the database section.
Example: The following command creates a database using message store configuration for MSSQL in FioranoMQ_SQL profile:
From command line arguments
Database configuration details are provided as options in the command line.
Please refer to Chapter 6: Configuring Message Store.
Example: The following command creates a database using message store configuration for MSSQL
Launches the FioranoMQ server. By default, FioranoMQ profile is launched if no other profile is specified.
- -profile <path>: Relative path from profiles directory to the profile to be deployed. Defaults to FioranoMQ.
- -profilesDir <dir>: Directory where profiles are present.Defaults to <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/profiles
- -configPath <dir>: Conf directory path for the configured profile. Defaults to <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/profiles/<profile>/conf
- -dbPath <dir>: Database path for configured profile. Defaults to <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/profiles/<profile>/run"
- -saveConfigs <boolean>: Persists server configurations on shutdown.Defaults to false.
- –nobackground: Option to not start the server in the back ground.
- –help:Displays all available options.
Example: Following command starts FioranoMQ HA primary server. –profile FioranoMQ_HA_rpl/HAPrimary
This script is used to recover the database in the event that the FioranoMQ proprietary File based database is corrupt. This launches the script and, by default, recovers the PTP database. For more information on the usage of the script refer Chapter 28: DB Recovery Tool.
- –propertiesFile: Configuration file. Default configuration file is located at <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/profiles/
- -fmq.profile <path>: Relative path from the profiles directory to profile to be deployed. Defaults to FioranoMQ.
- -h: display help
This script is used to run Java samples which are included in the FioranoMQ installation. External jars can be added to classpath in fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/bin/run-client.conf
Usage: <sampleName>
This script is used to compile all the Java samples which are included within the installer. The script makes use of internally to compile each of the samples. External jars can be added to classpath in <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/bin/complie-client.conf
Usage: and
The script file is used to migrate the FioranoMQ2007 database to a FioranoMQ 9.0 or higher versions, which uses the FioranoMQ9 compatible format. This script uses for converting the database table files and data files to the FioranoMQ9 compatible format. It is recommended that the readme.txt file be referred to for instructions on using this utility.
The script file is used for running the FioranoMQ Management server using FioranoMQ_Clustering profile. For more information on the FioranoMQ Management server and its functions refer to Chapter 32: Fiorano Directory Services. script file is used for creating/removing multiple routes between destinations (Queues/Topics) based on the configuration file specified while running the 'route' utility. The configuration file (routes.xml) contains properties of each route to be created. A sample route configuration file can be found at $FIORANO_HOME/fmq/Utilities/RouteUtility/conf folder.
Usage: $FIORANO_HOME/fmq/bin/ [-operation <operation> -configFile <routeConfigsFile>]
- configFile: Includes the XML file that contains the configuration of the routes. If no configuration file is specified when running the route Utility then 'routes.xml' will be taken as the default configuration file.
- Operation: Operation that needs to be executed using the route utility.
- Valid Values: createRoutes OR removeRoutes. If no operation is specified, then this will take 'createRoutes' as its operation.
This script is used to shutdown the FioranoMQ server This script internally creates a JMXConnection based on arguments passed. If none of the arguments are passed, then the default parameters are used. If the arguments passed are invalid, then an exception is shown on the console.
Usage: ./ [-options] (For Linux)
Where options include:
Parameter Name | Description | Legal Values |
connectorType | Type of connector that needs to be created for making a jmx connection with the FioranoMQ server. | RMI (Default Value), JMS |
host | URL of the machine where the server is running. If the server is running on a machine on which a user executes a shutdown script, the host need not be specified. | localhost (Default Value), IPAddress |
port | The port on the FioranoMQ server that will accept JMS connections. This value should be specified only if the connector 'type' is JMS. | 1856 (Default Value) |
user | Name of the user trying to shutdown the FioranoMQ server. This user should have permission to create a JMX connection. | admin (Default Value), anonymous, ayrton |
passwd | Password of the user trying to shutdown the FioranoMQ Server. | passwd(Default Value for admin), anonymous (for user anonymous), senna (for user ayrton) |
transportProtocol | Transport protocol to be used for making a connection with the FioranoMQ server. This value should be specified only if the connector 'type' is JMS. | TCP (Default Value), HTTP, LPC |
securityProtocol | Security protocols that need to be used for making a connection with the FioranoMQ server. By default there is no security protocol. This value should be specified only if the connector 'type' is JMS. | null (Default Value), SUN_SSL. |
securityManager | Security Manager which to be used for making a connection with the FioranoMQ server. By default there is no security Manager. This value should be specified only if the connector 'type' is JMS. | Null (Default Value), DefaultJSSESecurityManager |
rmiPort | RMIConnector port on which the FioranoMQ server JMX connection can be created. This value should be specified only if the connector 'type' is RMI. | 1858(Default value), 2059 is default value for Repeater |
The commands below stop the FioranoMQ server running on a FMQLinux1 machine on default port 1856 with user as admin and password as passwd.
No securityManager or securityProtocol is required in this case and both are specified as null. This script creates an RMIBasedJMXConnector since the connector type is not specified.
Note: If a user has configured the FioranoMQ server to accept JMSBasedJMXConnector connections, shutting down the FioranoMQ server is possible only by using this same connector. Otherwise, by default, the RMIBasedJMXConnector will be used.
Scripts present under <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/clients/c/crosscomp/scripts
- This script is used to compile the C Cross Comp samples.
- Usage: ../samples/<sample_type>/<sampleName>.c
Scripts present under <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/clients/c/native/scripts
- This script is used to compile the C Native samples.
- Usage: ../samples/<sample_type>/<sampleName>.c
Scripts present under <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/clients/cpp/jni/scripts
- This script is used to compile the Cpp JNI samples using fmq-jni-cpprtl.lib.
- Usage: ../samples/<sample_type>/<sampleName>.cpp
Scripts present under <fiorano_installation_dir>/fmq/terminal
- This script is used to perform most of the admin operations that can be performed through the Studio.
- Usage: Queries the username and password needed to log onto the server.
- help command lists all the commands/operations supported by the terminal
- <command/operation> -help displays usage of the command or its operation
Below is a list of operations supported by fmq-terminal:
Operation | Description |
addMemberToGroup | adds a member to a Group |
Bye | exits the console |
changePwd | changes password for the specified User |
clearQueue | clears messages in the Queue specified |
createACF | creates the specified AdminConnectionFactory |
createCommonCF | creates the specified CommonConnectionFactory |
createGroup | creates the Group specified |
createQCF | creates the specified QueueConnectionFactory |
createQueue | creates the Queue specified |
createTCF | creates the specified TopicConnectionFactory |
createTopic | creates the Topic specified |
createUser | creates a new User |
createXAQCF | creates the specified XAQueueConnectionFactory |
createXATCF | creates the specified XATopicConnectionFactory |
deleteACF | deletes the specified AdminConnectionFactory |
deleteCommonCF | deletes the specified CommonConnectionFactory |
deleteGroup | deletes the Group specified |
deleteQCF | deletes the specified QueueConnectionFactory |
deleteQueue | deletes the Queue specified |
deleteTCF | deletes the specified TopicConnectionFactory |
deleteTopic | deletes the Topic specified |
deleteUser | deletes a specified user |
deleteXAQCF | deletes the specified XAQueueConnectionFactory |
deleteXATCF | deletes the specified XATopicConnectionFactory |
exit | Exits the console |
help | prints the 'help' topics/instructions for all available commands |
list | lists all available commands |
listACFs | lists names of all available Admin Connection Factories |
listClientIDs | lists names of all Client IDs |
listCommonCFs | lists names of all available Common Connection Factories |
listDomains | list all domains |
listGroups | lists all server groups |
listQCFs | lists names of all available QueueConnectionFactories |
listQueues | lists names of all available Queues |
listSubscriberIDs | lists SubscribterIDs of specified ClientIDs |
listTCFs | lists names of all available TopicConnectionFactories |
listTopics | lists names of all available Topics |
listUsers | lists all Users of the server |
listXAQCFs | lists names of all available XAQueueConnectionFactories |
listXATCFs | lists names of all available XATopicConnectionFactories |
mbeanCount | prints mbeans count |
quit | exits the console |
restartFMQ | restarts FioranoMQ server running on the Fiorano Container |
run | runs the commands in the specified file |
serverInfo | prints the server information |
shutdownFMQ | Shuts down the FioranoMQ server running in the relevant Fiorano Container |
shutdownJBoss | Shuts down the FioranoMQ Server running in the relevant JBoss Container |
Scripts present under <fiorano_installation_dir>/framework/tools/LicenseManager/bin This script is used for running the license manager. For more information on the license manager refer to SOA Platform License Manager Guide.pdf in the <fiorano_installation_dir>/framework/tools/LicenseManager/doc directory.
Scripts present under <fiorano_installation_dir>/Studio/bin This script is used to reset all cached data from <user_dir> that defaults to /<Installation_Dir> /runtimedata/studio/<build_no>, and delete the <user_dir>.
Usage: This script is used to launch the FioranoMQ Studio.
Usage: --jdkhome <jdk_home>
The <jdk_home> should point to the JDK_HOME since it is required for launching the Fiorano Studio.