
Approximate minimum memory allocated by default for each module in the FioranoMQ Server is given in the table below:


Minimum Amount of Memory Required

Topic Connection

128 KB

This is the default connection buffer size associated with each topic connection. This value is determined by the parameter BasicAllowedSize in the Topic Subsystem. More information about this parameter can be found in Topic Subsystem Level Configuration section of the FioranoMQ Reference Guide. Please see Section 26.2.2 Setting in-memory buffers for Subscribers for how to change this parameter.

Topic Manager (Unique for all topics)

512 KB

This is the default maximum in-memory size of the Message buffer that is used across all the storage topics in FioranoMQ. This value is determined by the parameter MaxBufferSize in the GMS Topic Manager. This can be set using Fiorano eStudio in Offline editing mode by navigating to Fiorano > mq > pubsub > databases > file > TgmsManager > MaxBufferSize.


1024 KB (Non-persistent buffer size)

This is the default buffer size for the Non-Persistent Buffer associated with each storage queue. This value is determined by the parameter InMemoryBufferSize in the Queue Subsystem/Queue. More information about this parameter can be found in Queue Subsystem Level Configurations of the FioranoMQ Reference Guide. Please see section Support for Destination Level Configuration for referencing the difference between setting a parameter value at Subsystem level and at the Destination level.

512 KB (Persistent buffer size)

This is the default buffer size for the Persistent Buffer associated with each storage queue. This value is determined by the parameter PersistentInMemoryBufferSize in the Queue Subsystem/Queue. More information about this parameter can be found in Queue Subsystem Level Configurations of the FioranoMQ Reference Guide. Please see section Support for Destination Level Configuration for referencing the difference between setting a parameter value at Subsystem level and at the Destination level.

Queue Receiver

256 KB

This is the default maximum buffer size associated with each Queue Receiver when retrieving the messages from the Server DB. This value is determined by the parameter MaxPrefetchSize in the Queue Subsystem. More information about this parameter can be found in Queue Subsystem Level Configurations of the FioranoMQ Reference Guide. Please see section PTP Prefetch size to learn how to change this parameter and to learn of its importance.


128 KB

This is the default buffer size associated with the Route subscriber. This parameter comes into use when a Route is created from a Topic (Source) to a Queue (Target). This value is determined by the parameter MaxTopicBuffer of the Route Manager. More information about this parameter can be found in Advanced Configuration of the FioranoMQ Reference Guide.


2560 KB

The minimum amount of memory consumed by the JMS objects inside FioranoMQ Server JVM can be calculated using the formula below:

Minimum memory required = (Number of topic connections * 128) + 512 + (Number of Queues * 1536) + (Number of Queue Receivers * 256) + (Number of Routes * 128) (In Kilobytes).


These calculations are only done to determine the minimum amount of memory consumed by the JMS Objects created inside the FioranoMQ Server. This is not sufficient amount of memory to deploy the FioranoMQ Server. The amount of memory necessary to deploy the FioranoMQ Server is generally higher than the value obtained in these calculations.

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