
This chapter provides information about parameters that are generally configured along with the parameters described in all earlier chapters. All the miscellaneous modules, such as Route Manager, Directory Service, RDBMS Manager, Resource Manager, etc. are described in this chapter.

Route Manager Configuration

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->RouteManager.


The MaxTopicBuffer parameter is the upper limit for the message buffer size in bytes.

This parameter allows the user to specify the buffer size in bytes of the messages in the queue. Depending on the density message traffic this value can be increased or decreased.

Default Value: 131072 - This is the maximum number of bytes that can be stored in the buffer.

RdbmsManager Configurations

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->RdbmsManager.


The URL parameter is the URL of the database where messages are stored. Please refer to the RDBMS Server documentation for formatting this parameter. 

The URL parameter allows the User to set/change the URL of the Database Server.

Default Value: jdbc:hsqldb:../profiles/FioranoMQ/run/RDBMS/FMQ – This is the default URL of the FioranoMQ RDBMS. 


The JdbcDriver is the parameter that is used for RDBMS based Data Storage. Please refer to the Database Driver documentation for formatting this parameter.

Default Value: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver - The default driver used for RDBMS based Data Storage.


The Password parameter is the password used by a RDBMS User – This is the password used for connecting to the RDBMS Server.


The Username parameter is the Database User Name used for connecting to the RDBMS Server.

Default Value: Sa


The MaxConnections parameter allows a maximum number of Database connections to be created.

The MaxConnections parameter enables restricting the total number of Database connections created. Having too many database connections could affect the performance of the Server.

Default Value: 200 - A maximum of 200 Database connections are allowed at any given point of time.


The DefaultConnections parameter is the number of Database connections created upon starting the Server.

If the User wants to increase the number of Database connections created upon startup, the value of this parameter should be increased.

Default Value: 1 - By default only 1 Database connection is created at startup.


The MaxNoOfRowsFetch parameter specifies the maximum number of rows fetched at a time from the database when a query entered.

When a large number of records needs to be fetched increasing the number of entries fetched per query statement require fewer queries to be entered as more records would be fetched per query.

Default Value: 100 - The maximum number of rows fetched at a shot from the database is 100.


The EnabeReconnect parameter which is a boolean indicates whether reconnection needs to be enabled.

The EnableReconnect parameter allows the User to decide whether the Server needs to reconnect to the RDBMS Server when the connection is lost.  Where reconnection is not necessary or should not be performed this parameter should be set to False.

Valid values:

  • True - Enables reconnection attempts to the RDBMS Server when connection is lost.
  • False - Disables reconnection attempts to the RDBMS Server when connection is lost.

Default Value: True - Enables reconnection attempts to the RDBMS Server when connection is lost.


The ReconnectTimeInterval parameter is the time interval in milliseconds between RDBMS reconnection attempts.

The ReconnectTime Interval parameter allows the User to specify the interval between successive reconnection attempts when the connection to the RDBMS Server is down. This value can be increased when the time taken resetting the RDBMS Server is long.

Default Value: 10000 - Time in milliseconds between RDBMS reconnection attempts (which is equivalent to ten seconds).


The WaitTime parameter is the waiting time if no additional connections are available in the connecting pool. Zero indicates an indefinite waiting time.

The WaitTime parameter allows the User to configure the length of time the server waits to reconnect when the connection pool is empty.

Default Value: 0 – Indicates as infinite/indefinite waiting time.


The ConnectiontTimeoutInterval parameter indicates the connection timeout interval in milliseconds.

The ConnectiontTimeoutInterval parameter allows the user to configure the connection timeout interval which that is the length of time after when the connection times out if no activity occurs during that period of time.

Default Value: 10000 - Connection timeout interval is by default set to ten seconds.


The PropertiesFilename parameter is the JDBC properties file name. This file contains database specific details for various SQL Types. This parameter needs to include the name of the file jdbc_*.cfg available at %FIORANO_HOME%/fmq/profiles/%PROFILE%/conf directory.

Default Value: jdbc_hsql.cfg – This is the default JDBC properties File Name.


The DbConnectivityQuery parameter represents the query that should is to be executed to check the health of a connection.

The DbConnectivityQuery parameter allows the User to configure the query to be used to test the health/validity of a connection.

Default Value: select * from tab - The default query used to check if the connection is  alive.


The EnableRdbms parameter enables/disables the Database Manager. Setting this flag to true is a prerequisite for using an RDBMS Server as a back-end message store.

EnableRdbms allows the User to enable/disable the RDBMS message store feature.

Valid Values:

  • True - Enables the RDBMS message store.
  • False - Disables the RDBMS message store.

Default Value: True - Enables the RDBMS message store.

Resource Manager Configurations

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->ResourceManager.


The MaxMemoryThresholdAllowed parameter is the maximum memory threshold that is allowed to be used. The memory threshold value can range from 0.0 to 1.0. This parameter allows the User to set the percentage of total memory that can be used by the server. 1.0 corresponds to 100% and 0.0 corresponds to 0%.

The MaxMemoryThresholdAllowed parameter allows the User to restrict memory usage preventing excessive memory usage by the Server processes.

Default Value:

0.8 - The default memory threshold is set to 80%.


The TimeInterval parameter is the time interval after which the monitoring thread runs once again.  The time interval is measured in milliseconds.

The TimeInterval parameter allows the User to decide on the intervals between the start of one monitoring thread and the end of the previous one. If the monitoring threads are to be run widely spaced, this parameter should be set to a high value. However, if monitoring is to be done over a short period of time, this parameter should be set to a smaller value.

Default Value: 10000 - A monitoring thread runs once every 10000 milliseconds (which is equivalent to ten seconds).


The EnableMonitoringThread parameter specifies whether the monitoring thread is to be enabled.

The EnableMonitoringThread parameter allows the User to enable/disable the monitoring thread. If the User does not want the monitoring thread to run at periodical intervals, this parameter should be set to False or set to No in eStudio.

Valid Values:

  • True/Yes (in eStudio) – Enables the running of the monitoring thread at periodic intervals.
  • False/No (in eStudio) - Disables the running of the monitoring thread at periodic intervals.

Default Value:

True/Yes (In eStudio) - Enables  the monitoring thread to be run a periodic intervals.


The EnableVerboseLogging parameter specifies whether to enable/disable verbose logging.  If set to false, logs are maintained in the monitor.txt file in the format:[Date][space][Time][comma][QueueConnections][comma][TopicConnections][comma][sessions][comma][senders][comma][receivers][comma][publisher][comma][subscriber][comma][threads][comma][usedMemory].

The EnableVerboseLogging parameter allows the User to choose the format of the  logs that are being monitored.

Valid Values:

  • True/Yes (in eStudio) - Enables Verbose Logging.
  • False/No (in eStudio) - Disables Verbose Logging.

Default Value:

True/Yes (in eStudio) - Enables Verbose logging


The EnableThreadDump parameter specifies whether to enable/disable thread dump information given the memory in the Server falls below the given threshold.

A User can choose whether to enable the thread dump information using the EnableThreadDump parameter. When the server memory falls below a certain threshold, this parameter should be set to True/Yes (in eStudio). If set to True/Yes (in eStudio) thread information is dumped into a file so that the User does not loose data.

Valid Values:

  • True/Yes (in eStudio) – Enables dumping thread information into a file so as not to loose data when the Server is low on memory.
  • True/No (in eStudio) - Disables dumping thread info information into a file so as not to loose data when the Server is low on memory.

Default Value:

True/Yes (in eStudio) - Enables the dumping thread info information into a file so as not to loose data when the Server is low on memory.

PingManager Configurations

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->PingManager.


The PingTimeout parameter indicates the ping timeout time in milliseconds. The PingTimeout parameter the length of time after which a connection that is disconnected.

This parameter allows the User to configure the length of time after which it should stop trying to connect to a connection that is dead.

Default Value: 60000 - The number of milliseconds after which a connection that is dead is disconnected.

JobManager Configurations


The MinimumJobWorkers parameter specifies the minimum number of JobWorkers present at any given time in the system.

The MinimumJobWorkers parameter allows the User to configure the minimum number of JobWorkers that may be added as the Server starts and be present in the system at any given point of time. This parameter can be increased or decreased depending upon the load on each server. If the server is to handle a large number of queues/topics simultaneously, this parameter should be set at a higher number. If the load of the server is expected to be small, this parameter can be decreased so as not to have idle JobWorkers in the system.

Default Value: 4 - The Minimum number of JobWorkers Available in the system is four.


The MaximumJobWorkers parameter specifies the maximum number of JobWorkers present at any given time in the system.

The MaximumJobWorkers parameter allows the User to configure the maximum number of JobWorkers that may be added as the Server starts and be present in the system at any given point of time. This parameter allows the user to set the limit on the number of JobWorkers allowed in the JobManager. Allowing unchecked additions of JobWorkers could result in too many JobWorkers threads being created, thus hampering the performance of the system. Depending on the scenario, this value of this parameter man be increased or decreased.

Default Value: 40 - The Maximum number of JobWorkers available in the system is 40.


The JobPerWorker parameter indicates the number of jobs per worker.

This parameter is used to decide whether or not to add more JobWorkers. If the number of jobs present in the job queue becomes larger than the number of job workers present, then new JobWorkers are added.  The maximum number of job workers that may be present at any given time cannot exceed 19The value of the maximum job workers allowed in the system cannot be changed.

Default Value: 4 -The default number of jobs assigned per job worker at any point of time is 4.

ObjectManager Configurations

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->runTimeObjectManagers->ObjectMaanger/gmsObjectManager.


The HashcodeReuseAlgoUsed parameter indicates whether the Reuse HashCode Algorithm is used creating Object Handles.

Valid Values:

  • True/Yes (in Stubio) – HashcodeReuse Algorithm is used.
  • False/No (in eStudio) - HashcodeReuse Algorithm is not used.

Default Value:

True/Yes (in eStudio) - The hash code reuse algo is used in the creation of Object Handles.

ThreadManager Configurations

Presented below are the details for Following are the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->ThreadManager.


The DelayBetweenAttempts parameter is the delay in milliseconds between two successive attempts to create a thread when the initial thread creation of a critical operation thread has failed.

If, the creation of a critical operation thread fails, the DelayBetweenAttempts parameter along with the MaximumAttempts parameter ensures that further attempts to create the thread do not affect the performance of the Server.

Default Value: 100 – There is a 100 milliseconds delay between successive attempts to create a thread.

Dependencies: MaximumAttempts 


The MaximumAttempts parameter specifies the maximum number of tries to be attempted to create a thread.

If the creation of a thread results in a failure, after the specified time interval, called the DelayBetweenAttempts parameter, another attempt is made to create the thread. The number of attempts to be made in creating a thread are specifies (and controlled) by this parameter.

Default Value: 8 – The maximum number of attempts to be made to create a thread, before reporting failure of thread creation, is eight.

Dependencies: DelayBetweenAttempts


Maximum number of idle threads in thread pool.

Idle threads more than this number are automatically deleted. This ensures that the thread pool does not become too populated with idle threads.

Default Value: 4 - A Maximum of 4 threads can remain idle in the thread pool.

DefaultLogManager Configurations

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->ClientLogManager->DefaultLogManager.

Logging into FioranoMQ is achieved with the help of Log4J. Logging in using Log4J makes it possible to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binaries.


The LogDir parameter is the Base Directory where logs are stored.

The LogDir parameter allows the User to specify the directory in which the logs are to be stored.

Default Value: ../profiles/FioranoMQ/run/logs/ - The directory where logs are stored in FioranoMQ.


The Encoding parameter identifies the Name of the character encoding that is used.

The Encoding parameter allows the User to specify the character encoding to be used when saving logs. This parameter should be set before logs are written and saved.

Default Value: UTF-8 - The default character encoding is UTF-8.


The Level parameter is the log level that is used by newly constructed handler objects.

The Level parameter allows the User to increase or decrease the log level. Increasing the log level allows more detailed information on any errors or warnings that occur to be displayed. Decreasing the log level briefer error information messages to be displayed.

Valid Values:

  • -1 to 6 and10 - Any integer between Zero and six. 10 is the highest integer that may be used. -1.0 is the lowest integer that may be used. All log entries are logged at a particular log level. Each logger has an associated logging level which may be anyone of the following values:
  • -1 INHERIT - Inherits log level from its parent.
  • QUIET - No logged information.
  • FATAL - Severe errors that might cause premature termination.
  • ERROR - Other runtime errors or unexpected conditions.
  • WARN - Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, almost errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected but not necessarily wrong.
  • INFO - Interesting runtime events at startup/shutdown.
  • DEBUG - Detailed information on flow through the system.
  • TRACE - More detailed information.
  • 10 ALL - All logged information.

Default Value: 2 The default log level is two.


The FileSizeLimit parameter specifies the maximum size of each log file where 0 => infinite. This parameter is used by the File Handler.

The FileSizeLimit parameter allows the user to limit the size of the log file. Restricting storage space by specifying the maximum limit of a log ensures that memory does not run out.

Default Value: 0 – Zero = a file size with no size limit.


The FileCount parameter specifies the maximum number of log files that may created. This parameter is used by the File Handler.

The FileCount parameter allows the User to specify the number of log files that may be created.

Default Value: 1 - By default only 1 log file may be created.


The AppendToFile parameter specifies the append mode of the File Handler. By default, the appended mode of the FileHandler is enabled.

The AppendToFile parameter allows the User to specify whether to append data to log files. If set to false, the entries to be added to the log file are added to a new file each time till the number of files reaches the FileCount specified. After the specified log file, the earliest log file is over written with current log entries. The log files keep rotating. If set to true, log entries are appended to the end of the current log file.

Valid Values:

  • True/Yes (in eStudio) - Enables Appending to file.
  • False/No (in eStudio) - Disables Appending to file.

Default Value:

True/Yes (in eStudio) - Enables Appending to file.


The Formatter parameter specifies the Class Name of the class which is used to format the log files.

Default Value: fiorano.jms.log2.def.CompactFormatter - The class used for formatting the log files.

MQ Default Object Creator Configurations

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->MQDefaultObjCreator.


The AutoUpdationAllowedForCFs is the parameter that sets the AutoUpdate property for FioranoMQ. The default the ConnectionFactorys parameter is based on the AutoUpdationAllowedForCFs flag.  To set this parameter, set the boolean option in ConnectionFactory indicating whether updation is allowed in Connection Factories (CF) during startup.

Valid Values:

  • True/Yes (in eStudio) – Enables AutoUpdation for default connection factories.
  • False/No (in eStudio) - Disables  AutoUpdation for default connection factories.

Default Value: True/Yes (In eStudio) - Enables the AutoUpdate property for FioranoMQ default CFs.


The BackupServerIP parameter specifies the backup server IP. This IP is configured in the backup URL of the default Connection Factories.

The BackupServerIP parameter allows the user to set a backup server IP for the default Connection Factories.

Default Value: No Value - The BackupServerIP parameter is left blank by default. The User can set the Backup Server IP by specifying a value for this parameter.

Dependencies: BackupServerPort


The BackupServerPort parameter specifies the Backup Server port. This port is configured in the backup URL for setting the default Connection Factories.

The BackupServerPort parameter allows the User to set a Backup Server port for the default Connection Factories.

Default Value: -1 - This is the default value of the BackupServerPort parameter but it is an invalid port number and is therefore ignored. To have a valid backupUrl both the BackupServerIP and the BackupServerPort should be valid.

Dependencies: BackupServerIp

Timer Service Configurations

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->TimerService.


The Name parameter is the name of the timer service.

Default Value: FioranoTimerService – is the default name of the timer service.


The ClockTick parameter is the time period in milliseconds after which scheduling of processes are checked.

The ClockTick parameter is the time interval in milliseconds between successive ticks of the timer's clock. Increasing this value results in fewer scheduling of processes checks.

Default Value: 500 – is the time in milliseconds after which process are checked for scheduling.

JNDI Configurations


Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->jndi->NamingManager->File->NativeFileNamingManager.


The DefragmentationLowerThreshold parameter specifies the minimum number of deleted entries for triggering auto-defragmentation of the AdminObjectManager

It is necessary to remove the deleted entries from the cache to prevent the cache from becoming from large. However, cache compaction for each deleted entry should be prevented as this process is quite costly. The minimum number of entries that should be deleted to trigger defragmentation is set by this parameter.

Default Value:

10 - Defragmentation is triggered only when there are a minimum of ten deleted entries.

Dependencies: DefragmentationUpperThreshold. DefragmentationPercentage.


The DefragmentationUpperThreshold parameter is the maximum number of deleted entries after which auto-defragmentation of AdminObjectManager is guaranteed/triggered during start up.

When the number of deleted entries in the cache becomes more than the DefragmentationUpperThreshold parameter, the defragmentation process is triggered. The value should be greater than the DefragmentationLowerThreshold. On the other hand, having this parameter set to a very high value could result in a waste of memory.

Default Value: 15 - Defragmentation is triggered only when there are 15 deleted entries.

Dependencies: DefragmentationLowerThreshold. DefragmentationPercentage.


The DefragmentaionPercentage parameter specifies the threshold percentage for auto-defragmentation during startup when the number of deleted entries fall between the thresholds mentioned above.

When the number of deleted entries becomes more than the DefragmentationLowerThreshold set at 40, defragmentation is not triggered immediately. It is triggered either if the number of deleted entries is more than the DefragmentationUpperLimit, or more than 40 or if the percentage of deleted entries present in the cache becomes more than the value set in the DefragmentationPercentage parameter.

Default Value: 20 - The percentage of deleted entries in the cache should be more than 20% to trigger defragmentation.


The Path parameter is the root path for this Naming Manager.

Default Value: The directory considered the current directory will become the default root path for the NativeFileNamingManager.


Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->jndi->CacheNamingManager.


The TTL parameter is the duration in milliseconds when the administrative object remains available within the memory.

The TTL parameter allows the User to determine how long the administrative object entries remain in the cache. Using this parameter the length of time these entries may remain available can be increased. If the data attached to these objects are needed only for a short time the value of this parameter man be reduced.

Default Value: 60000 - is the time in milliseconds when the admin objects remain within the memory. This value is equivalent to 60 seconds.


Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->jndi->XMLFileNamingManager.


The Path parameter is the absolute or the relative path of the xml file used in persisting information of administrative objects.

Default Value: The current directory is considered the default path of the Path parameter. 


The Filename parameter is the ServiceProvider instance of the profile.

Default Value: admin.xml – is the default xml filename




The LdapProviderUrl parameter is the URL of the LDAP Server from where information related to admintrative objects are read.

The LdapProviderUrl parameter parameter allows the user to change the LDAP provider URL.

Default Value: ldap:// - The default URL of the LDAP Server


The LdapBasedn parameter is the Base Domain Name within the LDAP Server under which all information related to administrative objects is stored.

The LdapBasedn parameter parameter allows the User to set the Base Domain from which information related to the administrative objects may be retrieved.

Default Value: o=fiorano, c=US – is the default Base DomainName within the LDAP Server.


The Principal parameter is the User Name that NamingManager uses to connect to the LDAP Server for accessing/storing information related to administrative objects.

The Principal parameter allows the User to set authentication details needed to connect to the LDAP Server.

Default Value: o=fiorano, c=US - The default username with which to connect to the LDAP Server.


The Credentials parameter is the password connected to a specific used to login to a specific LDAP Server.


The LdapInitialCtxFactory parameter is the Class Name of the initial context factory which is used to connect with specific LDAP Servers.

Default Value: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory - The default initial context factory class used for connecting to the LDAP Server.


The LdapPollInterval parameter is the TimeInterval after which Naming Manager tries to reconnect to LDAP Server in the event of a connection breakdown.

The LdapPollInterval parameter allows the User to set the time interval after the length of which an attempt to connect to the LDAP Server is made if the connection breakdowns. This value coupled with the LdapPrimaryServerReconnectAttempts set at 64, determines the total amount of time after which no more attempts are made to connect to the Primary Server.

Default Value: 4000 – is the default time interval between successive attempts to connect to the LDAP Server.

Dependencies: LdapPrimaryServerReconnectAttempts.


The LdapPrimaryServerReconnectAttempts parameter specifies the number of reconnect attempts to the Primary Server that Naming Manager makes before trying to connect to the Secondary Server.

The LdapPrimaryServerReconnectAttempts parameter allows the User to decide on the number of attempts to be made to connect to the Primary Server before connecting to the Secondary Server. This value coupled with the LdapPollInterval set at 63, determines the total amount of time after which no more attempts are made to connect to the Primary Server.

Default Value: 5

Dependencies: LdapPollInterval.


The BackupLdapProviderUrl parameter is the URL of the Backup LDAP Server which Naming Manager tries to connect to when the Primary LDAP Server is not available.

The BackupLdapProviderUrl parameter parameter allows the User to setup the Backup LDAP Server to which the Naming Manager can connect when the Primary LDAP Server is down. After trying to connect to the Primary Server, set by the LdapPrimaryServerReconnectAttempts at 64, attempts, an attempt to establish a connection with the Server running at a URL specified by this parameter will be made.

Dependencies: LdapPrimaryServerReconnectAttempts.


The BackupLdapBasedn parameter specifies the Base Domain Name in the Backup LDAP Server under which all information related to administrative objects is stored.

The BackupLdapBasedn parameter allows the User to set the Base Domain from which information related to the administrative objects may be retrieved.

Default Value: o=fiorano, c=US – is the default Base Domain Name within the Backup LDAP Server.


The BackupPrincipal parameter specifies the User Name used by the NamingManager to connect to the backup LDAP Server for accessing/storing information relating to administrative objects.

The BackupPrincipal parameter allows the User to set authentication details so it can connect to the backup LDAP Server.

Default Value: o=fiorano, c=US – is the default username that is used to connect to the backup LDAP Server.


The BackupCredentials is the password with specified login details that the User uses to connects to a specified backup LDAP Server.


The BackupLdapInitialCtxFactory is the parameter that specifies the Class Name of the initial context factory that is used to open connections with a specified backup LDAP Server.

Default Value: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory – is t default initial context factory class used to connect to the backup LDAP Server.


The BackupLdapPollInterval parameter specifies the TimeInterval after which Naming Manager tries to reconnect to backup LDAP Server in the event  a connection breakdown. The BackupLdapPollInterval parameter allows the user to set the time interval after which an attempt to connect to the backup LDAP Server is made in the event of a connection breakdown.

Default Value: 4000 – is the default time interval between successive attempts to connect to the backup LDAP Server.


The TopicCFBaseDn parameter specifies is the Base Domain name within the LDAP Server under which all topic connection factories are stored. The TopicCFBaseDn parameter allows the User to set the domain under which the Topic connection factories are stored.

Default Value: o=fiorano, c=US – is the default domain name under which the topic connection factories are stored.


The QueueCFBaseDn parameter specifies the Base Domain name within the LDAP Server under which all queue connection factories are stored. The QueueCFBaseDn parameter allows the User to set the domain under which the queue connection factories are stored.

Default Value: o=fiorano, c=US – is the default domain name under which the queue connection factories are stored.


The AdminCFBaseDn parameter specifies the Base Domain Name within the LDAP Server under which all admin connection factories will be stored.

The AdminCFBaseDn parameter allows the User to set the domain name under which the administrative connection factories are stored.

Default Value:

o=fiorano, c=US – is the default domain name under which the administrative connection factories are stored.


The UnifiedCFBaseDn parameter specifies the Base Domain name within the LDAP Server under which all unified connection factories are stored. The UnifiedCFBaseDn parameter allows the User to set the domain under which the unified connection factories are stored.

Default Value: o=fiorano, c=US – is the default domain name under which the unified connection factories are stored.


The TopicsBaseDn parameter specifies the Base Domain name within the LDAP Server under which all topics are stored. The TopicsBaseDn parameter allows the User to set the domain under which all Topics are stored.

Default Value: o=fiorano, c=US – is the default domain name under which the topics are stored.


The QueueBaseDn parameter specifies the Base Domain name within the LDAP Server under which all queues are stored. The QueueBaseDn parameter allows the User to set the domain under which all Queues are stored.

Default Value: o=fiorano, c=US – is the default domain name under which queues are stored.


Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->jndi->RDBMSNamingManager.


The URL parameter specifies the URL of database server from where information related to administrative objects are read. The URL parameter allows the User to set/change the URL of the database server.

Default Value: jdbc:hsqldb:Database – is the default URL of the database server.


The Password parameter specifies the password using which a User with specified login details connects to the database Server that is specified.


The Username parameter specifies the User Name which the Naming Manager uses to connect to the RDBMS for accessing/storing information related to administrative objects.


The database driver parameter specifies the database driver Class Name used to open connect with the specified RDBMS server.

Default Value: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver - is the default database driver class name.


The SQLStatementFile parameter specifies the Name of the properties file that is used to define the Name-Value properties specific to a particular database. The SQLStatementFile parameter allows the user to set/change the properties file.

Default Value: – is the default properties file used.


The ConnectionLostErrorMessage parameter is the error message that is posted when a connection is lost. The ConnectionLostErrorMessage parameter allows the User to set custom messages to be displayed when connection to the RDBMS Server is lost.

Default Value: DB_CONNECTION_LOST – is the default connection lost message.


The EnableReconnect parameter specifies whether the Naming Manager has to try to reconnect to the database Server in case of connection breakdown.

The EnableReconnect parameter allows the User to decide whether the Naming Manager should make an attempt to reconnect to the RDBMS Server when the connection is lost. Where reconnection is not necessary or should not be performed this parameter should be set to False.

Valid Values:

  • True - Enables reconnection attempts with the Database Server when the connection is down.
  • False - Disables reconnection attempts with the Database Server when the connection is down.

Default Value:

  • True - Enables reconnection attempts with the Database Server when the connection is down.


The DatabaseConnectionTimeout parameter specifies the length of time that the Naming Manager will attempt to connect to the Database Server. This parameter value may be increased or decreased as per requirements.

Default Value: 10000 - is the length of time in milliseconds the Naming Manager attempts to connect to the Database Server.


The InitializeDB parameter specifies whether to initialize the Database for accessing/storing information related to administrative objects.

Valid values:

  • True - Enables initializing the Database
  • False - Disables initializing the Database

Default Value:

  • True - Enables initializing the Database.

Connection Consumer Configuration


Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->mq->connection-consumer->FileDBManager->FileDBManager5.


The Path parameter allows consumer configuration to be stored in the file based data storage in a specified path.

Valid values: The default value of the Path parameter is CONN_CONSUMER.

The path that is specified is relative to the run directory of FioranoMQ profile.


The DeletedThresholdPercent specfies the entries to be deleted from a cache that stores and manages the list of all the tables pertaining to consumer related information in the file-storage based table. After repeated modification of the table, old entries in the table are marked as deleted. This value provides a threshold percentage of deleted entries after which the Cache Compaction Procress is started so that no deleted entries remain in the table. Since cache compaction involves CPU intensive File operations, the DeletedThresholdPercent should be used with DeletedThresholdCount to ensure it is not invoked too often.

Valid values: 

  • The default value of the DeletedThresholdPercent parameter is 50.  This indicates that when the ratio of deleted entries to total entries is equal to or greater than 0.5, the Cache compaction process will be invoked.
  • The range of integer values considered valid by the PingInterval are -2^31 to 2^31 -1.

All values less than zero or equal to zero retrieve the same result.

All values greater than or equal to 100 retrieve the same result.

Example: Use a factor that best defines the ratio of deleted entries/total entries in the table. If there is good chance that many entries are marked deleted quite often then choose a higher number.

Dependencies: DeletedThresholdCount.


A cache stores and manages the list of all the tables pertaining to consumer related information in this file-storage based table. After repeated modification of the table, old entries in the table are marked deleted. This value provides a threshold count of deleted entries for starting the Cache Compaction Process, at the end of which the table does not have any deleted entries. Since cache compaction involves CPU intensive File operations, this flag along with DeletedThresholdPercent (No. 2) ensures it is not invoked too often.

Valid values:

  • The range of integer values considered valid by the PingInterval are -2^31 to 2^31 -1.
  • All values less than or equal to zero retrieve the same result.


Although the DeletedThresholdPercent provides a ratio based method of ensuring that the cache compaction process does not occur too often, it does not provide an absolute lower limit on the number of deleted entries that triggers a cache compaction. It is best to choose a value that is high enough to trigger a cache compaction.

Dependencies: DeletedThresholdPercent.


The DbTableNamePrefix parameter allows Database Names usually prefixed with a string to be modified.

Valid values: Any String. Default value is #.

Example: If the present state of the Database is to be saved to be used again  in the future, modifying the prefix to some other relevant string and changing it back to the original string when  it is to be used may be done using the DbTableNamePrefix parameter.

Directory Service

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->etc->DirectoryService.


The EnableCluster parameter specifies whether Cluster Manager is to be started along with the FioranoMQ Server.

Default Value: Yes.


The EnableProfileMonitoring parameter defines whether the configuration changes made to the profiles residing inside the Management Server are to be monitored.

If enabled, all the configurational changes are logged automatically to the file $DBPATH/logs/profile-monitor.log.

Default Value: no


The DirectoryServiceAddress parameter sets the IPAddress on which the Cluster Manager runs.     

Default Value: localhost


The DirectoryServicePort parameter sets the port on which the Cluster Manager runs.         

Default Value: 10389


The SecurityPrincipal parameter sets the Security Principal required for creating a connection with the Cluster Manager.           

Default Value: Uid=admin,ou=system.


The SecurityCredentials parameter sets the Security Credentials required for creating a connection with the Cluster Manager.         

Default Value: secret.


The AuthenticationMode parameter sets the authentication mode to be used to connect with the Cluster Manager.           

Default Value: simple.


The InstancePath parameter sets the path of the Instance upon which the Cluster Manager will run.

If set to null, the default value set for the working directory is $FIORANO_HOME/DSInstance/$PROFILE_NAME.        

Default Value: null


The SynchPeriodMills parameter sets the synchronization time for the Directory Service in milliseconds.

Default Value: 15000

Monitoring Manager Configuration

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->jmx->notifications->MonitoringManager.


The ClockTickForMonitoring parameter specifies the time interval between monitoring instances in milliseconds. The ClockTickForMonitoring indicates the number of milliseconds after which the timer for monitoring is reset. This parameter sets the time interval in milliseconds between successive monitoring attempts.

Default Value:

5000 - This is equivalent to five seconds and indicates the default idle time after which the monitoring timer is reset.

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