
Integrating GIT into eStudio

  1. Close eStudio if it is opened and go to <FioranoInstaller>/eStudio folder.
  2. Open the eStudio.ini file and take a backup of the value stored in "" and replace the value with cacerts in java folder.
    1. Windows: <FioranoInstaller>\jre1.8.0_121_64\lib\security\cacerts
    2. Linux: <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/security/cacerts
  3. Open terminal in <FioranoInstaller>/eStudio folder and start eStudio using eStudio.exe -clean command.
  4. Go to the Help menu and click the Install New Software option to open the Installation wizard.

  5. Click the Add button and provide the URL "" in the Add Repository dialog box and click OK.

  6. Select the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment option under the General Purpose Tools name and click Next twice.
  7. Accept the License Agreement and click Finish.
  8. When the installation is done, restart eStudio as it prompts so.
  9. Open the Installation wizard, add "" and select all fields.

  10. Click Next twice, agree to the License Agreement, click Finish.

  11. A pop-up appears asking whether you trust the certificates. Select all and click OK.

  12. Restart eStudio upon prompting.
  13. Close eStudio and replace the value with the default value "../fmq/profiles/FioranoMQ/certs/jssecacerts".
  14. Open terminal in <FioranoInstaller>/eStudio folder and start eStudio using eStudio.exe -clean command.

Clone GIT Repository


Before Proceeding, make sure set the http.sslVerify property to "false". To do so, perform the operations below:

  1. Start eStudio.
  2. Open Window > Preferences.
  3. Go to Team > Git > Configuration.
  4. Click the Add Entry button and provide the values as below:
    • Key: http.sslVerify
    • Value: false
  5. Click Apply and click OK.

Cloning and Pushing/Fetching GIT Repository

  1. Open 'Online Event Process Development Perspective' and Login to EnterpriseServer.
  2. Open Git Repositories view from Window > Show View > Other > Git > Git Repositories.
  3. Open File Directory and navigate to %FIORANO_HOME%/runtimedata/eStudio/workspace/.repositories/Online/<uniqueID>/Applications, open terminal and perform the following operations:

    Case1: Cloning and pushing Event Processes to git repository.
    Note: Before performing the below git operations, make sure that 'Event Processes' present in git repository are not present in your Applications.

    • git init
    • git remote add origin <repoURL>
    • git add .
    • git commit -m "<commitmessage>"
    • git branch -M main
    • git push -u origin main

    Case2: Cloning and fetching Event Processes from git repository.

    • git init
    • git remote add origin <repoURL>
    • git pull origin main

    Note: While performing above operations, if you are unable to access the github, perform the following operations and continue above steps:

    • git config --global --unset http.proxy
    • git config --global --unset https.proxy

      For github credentials, provide Personal Token generated in github account in place of password since github no longer accepts account passwords when authenticating Git operations on Generate personal access-token on Github as follows:
      1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
      2. In the left side bar, click Developer Settings.
      3. In the left side bar, click Personal access tokens.
      4. Select all the scopes and click 'Generate Token'
  4. Open eStudio, login to Enterprise Server, right-click the Event Process Repository node and click Refresh.

  5. Event Process Repository and Git Repositories views will be updated.

Configure Push and Fetch

Perform the following operations in the Properties panel:

  1. Right-click the property under Remotes > origin and select the Configure Push option.

  2. In the Configure Push dialog box, click the Add Button and press space-bar in Remote branch text-box to select the branch from the options that appear. Click the Save button.

  3. Configure Fetch also in the same manner as above.

Checking Out/Updating the Projects from GIT Repository

  1. Right-click the repository and click the Fetch option.

  2. Go to Branches > Remote Tracking, right-click the sub node, and click the Checkout option.

  3. Click the Check out Commit button in the pop-up.

  4. A Pop-up will be displayed; click OK.

  5. If new event processes are added from git repo to eStudio, refreshing the Event Process Repsoitory node will update the new event processes to the workspace.

Adding an Event Process to GIT


Before Adding or committing your changes to GIT Repository, make sure to update the local Repository. To do so, follow the steps in the Checking Out/Updating the Projects from GIT Repository section.

Event processes created in eStudio can be committed (exported) to the Git Repository by performing the following actions:

  1. Select Team > Commit.

  2. In the Git Staging view, select all the related files of the corresponding event process and move from the Unstaged Changes panel to the Staged Changes panel. Provide a description in the Commit Message section and click the Commit and Push button.

  3. A pop-up appears asking for git credentials. Provide git user credentials, but make sure to provide git token in place of password.

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