

What is Analytics ?

Analytics enables working with data collected from requests coming to the API Projects. This section arranges the data received in a visual representation using graphs for better understanding and analysis.

It enables viewing the data ranging to a specific period in multiple charts using various predefined metrics such as Traffic and Average Proxy Processing Time.

Why Analytics ?

Analytics data is collected with a very high degree of security and uses advanced tracking capabilities to provide precise data for a Near-Real-Time representation. It allows viewing the Moving Average Curve to understand the trend in utilization of APIs, and also provides an option to investigate a specific part of the main representation using various entities/resources such as project name, product name, and context path.

This can assist in analyzing the services provided by the APIs by analyzing the reports such as total no of requests coming in, peak time for target URL access, and errors faced. This analysis helps provide better service for clients who are trying to access the target URLs and also helps decide on the System upgrades to meet the needs.

How does Analytics Work ?

The Analytics panel provides with a User Interface to analyze the performance and activity of the APIs being managed by the API Servers.

Figure 1: Fiorano API Management Analytics section


Ensure that Analytics Database Configuration is done before managing Analytics data.

Follow the below links to explore the options available in the Analytics section:


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