
Configuring Document Tracking

It is recommended to use an external database for document tracking, which can be configured by providing the database configuration details in sbwdb.cfg file located in the Enterprise Server profile. To configure document tracking in this manner, perform the following actions:

  1. Configure sbwdb.cfgfile in the FES profile located at FIORANO_HOME/esb/server/profiles/<PROFILE NAME>/FES/conf by enabling all the properties related to the respective database and disabling the default settings.


    For example, to use an Oracle database,

    1. uncomment the following line:

    2. comment out the default one below:

      Figure 1: sbwdb.cfg file data after commenting and commenting out properties for Oracle DB

      Follow the same process for all the properties where Oracle-specific details are enabled and disable the defaults.


      For an HA profile, configure these settings in the secondary profile too.

    3. To store the message as XML, set the REPRESENTABLE_DATA_TYPES property (property #12) to 'true'.


      Retaining the value as 'false' allows to store the message as a blob.

      Figure 2:  sbwdb.cfg file data with REPRESENTABLE_DATA_TYPES set to 'true'

  2. Add the driver in FES server classpath in the FIORANO_HOME/esb/server/bin/server.conf under <java.classpath> section. 

    • Place the file in the FES machine to use the path here.
    • Both absolute and relative paths will work.

  3. Restart the server.


    Check the server logs to ensure that there are no error messages during the startup.

Creating SBW Tables Manually

If the server does not have enough permissions to create the sbw tables, then tables can be manually created using the following SQL queries:

If REPRESENTABLE_DATA_TYPES is set to 'false', then use the following query to create WF_INST_EVENT_HISTORY table:

If REPRESENTABLE_DATA_TYPES is set to 'true', then use the following query to create WF_INST_EVENT_HISTORY table:

Document Tracking in Event Processes

Once the server is setup as explained in the above section, follow the below instructions to configure tracking in Event Processes.

Document Tracking in Workflow

A workflow in Fiorano terminology consists of an entry point, an end point and intermediary points between them.

The entry and intermediary points are defined as Workflow Items and the end point is defined as a Workflow End. To track the documents going through the Service Instances, document tracking can be enabled on service instance ports. If tracking is enabled, the documents that pass through that port are stored in a database. By default these documents are stored in the H2 database that runs inside the Enterprise Server. 

A workflow starts with Workflow Item and ends at Workflow End. A workflow is defined within an Event Process scope through which a large number of documents pass. Whenever a new document enters into the workflow, a new workflow instance is generated. Each workflow instance has a unique ID assigned by the Fiorano Platform environment. In a state enabled workflow, all the states that these workflow instances traverse are stored for tracking purposes.

Each workflow instance contains information about documents that pass through. Each time a document passes through a trackable state, a state event is generated and the document is given a new Document ID by that tracking enabled state. Information related to the documents can be viewed in the Fiorano Web Console.

eStudio provides a state-based workflow view that enables tracking and monitoring of documents from one state to another.

Enabling Document Tracking

To enable document tracking in an Event Process, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Service Instance Port on which document tracking has to be enabled; the Properties pane appears (if the Properties pane does not appear, navigate through Window > Show View > Others).
  2. To enable Document Tracking, select Workflow Item/Workflow End option in the Workflow property drop-down list.

    Figure 3: Enabling Document Tracking
  3. In the sample Event Process shown below, the workflow starts at Feeder output port. The SMTP output port is marked as an intermediary point and the workflow ends at Display input port.

    Figure 4: Event Process with Document Tracking enabled


    The ports of Workflow Items are filled with the color green and that of Workflow Ends are shown in the color red.

In the Event Process, the state tracking is enabled for Feeder1 output port, SMTP1 output port and Display1 input port. All the messages which pass through these are tracked.

Workflow Data Type

The default Workflow data type (Properties > General > Workflow Data Type) is set to 'Message Body'. This implies that only the JMS message body is tracked. This can be configured by clicking the button against the Workflow Data Type property to track Message Header, Message Body, Attachments, Application Context or all of these items.

Figure 5: Document Tracking Properties

Tracking in Dashboard

To track data and manage the tracked data, login to Dashboard (Fiorano Web Console) and navigate to Document Tracking tab on the left navigation panel.


For detailed information, please refer to Document Tracking section in the Dashboard page.

Re-injecting failed document

In a workflow, in case a document fails, it can be re-injected from the Document Tracking tab in the Dashboard.


Refer the subsection - Re-injecting Failed Documents which illustrates how to re-inject failed document(s).

Deleting Document Tracking data 

To avoid issues like Low Disk Space error, you may require to free some disk space by discarding old entries in the Document Tracking Database.

Refer the below sections:


In case of H2 database, SBW documents can also be manually cleared by deleting the EnterpriseServers/{profile_name}/doctracking_db folder inside runtimedata directory. The server needs to be restarted after performing this action.


Please note that Fiorano does not recommend manual deletion of this directory without guidance from Fiorano Technical Support Team.

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