Migrating Standalone Profile

Use profile migration utility present in $NEW_FIORANO_HOME/esb/FioranoMigration folder to migrate previous installation's standalone server profiles to the new Fiorano installation. No other changes are required.

Migrating HA profiles

Use profile migration utility present in $NEW_FIORANO_HOMEHOME/esb/FioranoMigration folder to migrate previous installation's HA server profiles to the new Fiorano installation.

Configure HA server profiles to specify BackupRMIServerPort, LockFile and GatewayServerIPAddress (if not already specified). Please note that GatewayServerIPAddress should be the address of the machine holding the lock file and BackupRMIServerPort is the RMI port of back up HA server.


API profiles can also be migrated using the above mentioned process.

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