

This chapter explains the parameters that can be configured for JMS storage objects of type ‘Topic’. In general, these parameters are the most common ones used in the Publish-Subscribe (PubSub) model of JMS and they can be configured in the default profile at the node FioranoMQ->Fiorano->mq->ptp->Topics->specific topickis through Offline configuration using Studio.

For information on how to configure the FioranoMQ Server in Offline mode, refer to Chapter 3 Offline Configuration Through Profile Manager and for Online Configuration (through the Web Management Console), refer to Chapter 30 FioranoMQ Web Management Console of FioranoMQ Handbook.

Note: From FioranoMQ 9.1.0 release onwards, a unique Destination Level Configuration support is included. For more on this, please refer to section 29.1 Support for Destination

Level Configuration in the FioranoMQ Handbook


CacheKeyPropertyName parameter determines the property name used to define the LV-Cache Key, in the JMS Message, using which the message is stored in the Topic's LV-Cache.


The default value for this parameter is LVCacheKey.

Restart of server required: TRUE


CachePropertyName parameter determines the property name used to define whether the JMS Message should be considered to be stored in the Topic's LV-Cache.


The default value for this parameter is IsLVCache.

Restart of server required: TRUE


EnableLastValueConfig parameter determines whether to enable LV-Caching on the corresponding JMS Topic.


The default value for this parameter is false. Valid values for this parameter are true/false

Restart of server required: TRUE


EnableJournaling specifies whether Journaling Service is enabled on this Topic. By default, on Snooper Topics such as SYSTEM_MESSAGESNOOPER_TOPIC and SYSTEM_MESSAGESNOOPER_QUEUE and Events topic EVENTS_TOPIC, Journaling is disabled.


The default value for this parameter is false. Valid values for this parameter are true/false.

Restart of server required: FALSE


MaxPublisherBlockTime is the maximum time in milliseconds for which a Publisher will wait while trying to push the messages to the PSQ after it has reached 95% of its max limit. This applies to all the publishers.


The default value for this parameter is 120000.Any positive integer can be assigned as a value for this parameter.

Restart of server required: FALSE


ParConsumptionLVCache parameter determines whether to enable parallel consumption of LV-Cache messages from Subscriber's copy. If set to false, the consumption of messages will start only after the Subscriber completely copies the Topic's LV-Cache copy.


The default value for this parameter is false. Valid values for this parameter are true/false.

Restart of server required: TRUE

Remaining Topic parameters are mentioned in Chapter5: Topic Subsystem Level Configurations.

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