  • Fiorano Bridge not accepting valid JMS messages with JMSType set to a string which does not belong to a fixed set of Strings.
  • ConnectionFactory metadata and Initial Context environment variables should be merged in LPC.
  • [C/C++] CSP transfer is not working properly when we using transacted publisher and transacted durable subscriber.
  • [Native C++] Subscriber is revalidating unnecessarily when its topic is shutdown or deleted.
  • [C/C++] Crash occurs while freeing unified Connection when the 'UseSingleSocket' flag is set to true.
  • [C# RTL] Unneccessary creation and deletion of NPBatchThread for Csp Sender.
  • [C/C++] Queue Receiver unable to receive compressed map messages.
  • [Native C++] Segmentation fault in Queue Browser.
  • [C/C++] Exception thrown while fetching next element in QueueBrowser after revalidation.
  • [C/C++] In transacted session, segmentation fault occurs while sending messagaes after revalidation.
  • [Native C++] connection level property 'DisableSendingCSPStoredMessages' is not working.
  • [C/C++] SendPendingCSPQueue thread is started unnecessarily even if the cspCache do not contain any message.
  • [C# RTL] In transacted session, rollledback messages are not delivered to Durable-Subscribers.
  • [C/C++] In SSL libraries, Exceptions sent from server without errorcodes are not handled properly.
  • [C/C++] Segmentation fault occurs when number of open files is set to too low a count.
  • [C#/Native C++] LIMIT_REACHED exception is not thrown while creating a connection with limit set to '0'.
  • [HA] Error 'QUEUE_RECEIVER_DOES_NOT_EXIST' in MQ logs during passive peer failover.
  • In Replicated HA, Clients not able to send/receive messages because of QUEUE_CLOSED error.
  • [SI 6046] INVALID_CONSUMER_HANDLE error during receiver close.
  • 'Remote server is not responding properly' errors in MQ error log and messages are not going through the destinations.
  • CSP CeMaster.tbl file handle leak when Connection is created and closed frequently.
  • Exception occurred while receiving message from targetTopic, if sourceTopic is Encrypted in Repeater.
  • Consumer not able to receive messages after successful connection revalidation.
  • Editing a newly created Second connection manager would miss the Connection Manager itself completely.
  • Reconnect thread is not started in the case where permissions are disabled to create the CSP folder.
  • EditLinkConfiguration in Repeater displays the default values instead of the respective link's configurations.
  • JNDI Lookup inconsistency with SSL enabled server accepting both TCP and SSL connections using different connection managers.
  • In Repeater, an Exception occurs while receiving messages that are encrypted at the message level.
  • ClientID already exists exception is thrown when unified connection factory is used with lazy thread flag set to false.
  • In transacted session, rolledback messages are not delivered to Durable-Subscriber.
  • APIs should be provided to change the properties of destinations present in passive server from active server.
  • [SI 6076] TopicSubscriberMbean leak
  • [Native C++] Segmentation fault while calling the reset() function in stream message.
  • [Native C++] Segmentation fault occurs while freeing unified connection.
  • Connections are not getting closed gracefully while handling multiple connections with shutdownHook Enabled.
  • [Native C++] Consumer not able to receive messages after successful connection revalidation.
  • [C#] Expired Messages are received by synchronous and asynchronous slow consumers.
  • CLOSE_WAIT Socket leakage during repeated connection loss with the server.
  • [C/C++] QueueReceiver is not receiving messages while using the http protocol.
  • More than one message gets redelivered in queue receiver - transacted/client-ack mode.
  • More than one message gets redelivered in queue receiver - autoack (bridge).
  • [C/C++] Pubsub application aborted when restarting the server on a MAC machine.
  • [C/C++/C#] More than one message gets redelivered in queue receiver -transacted/client-ack mode.
  • CSP data is corrupted in the following scenario:
    • Trying to set duplicate client id with 'EnsureUniquenessOfClientId' enabled and resetting the failed client with a different client id.
  • Queue/Topic Shut down reason must be visible in the web console.
  • Clients are created with the same clientId inspitein spite of 'EnsureUniquenessofClientID' being enabled.
  • Sender stops flushing messages from CSP after change in transacted buffer size during server restart and revalidation then goes in a loop.
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