

In some cases, it may be required to track specific requests for security purposes or to get the most active regions for a particular Server Group.

This can be enabled by choosing the Geo Location option in the Group By drop-down. It stores the location of the IP address from where the request has been received.

Before choosing the Geo Location, perform the following actions:

  1. Configure Analytics Database
  2. Enable the IncludeGeoLocationEnabled attribute in eStuido > Profile Management > APIAnalyticsManager.

Steps using a sample jar

  1. Start theAPIMANAGERand APIGATEWAY servers.
  2. Open the API dashboard, provide appropriate details for the Analytics Database Configuration and save the configuration.
  3. Stop the servers.
  4. Download the file iptables_Complete.csv.jar and extract it.
  5. Import the extracted file to the table "API_ANALYTICS_<server_group_name>_LOCATION" in the "FIORANO_API" schema.


    Note that headers are not provided in the CSV file. And the field parameters can accept empty values and escape the quotes while inserting the data into the table.

    Alternative Option


    To import the data to the table using an SQL query, run the following query:


    This query might take time depending on the number of entries in the CSV file.


    Ensure that the Read and Write permissions are enabled for the iptables_Complete.csv file to execute this query.

  6. Open eStudio and configure as below:
      1. Go to Profile Management and open the APIManager profile
        APIMANAGER > Fiorano > APIManager > analytics > APIAnalyticsManager.
      2. Enable the IncludeGeoLocationEnabled attribute.

      3. Press CTRL+S or click the Save  icon to save the profile.
  7. Start the servers.
  8. Open the API Dashboard, create a project and deploy it in the Server Group.
  9. Use the resource URL to invoke the API project from different IP addresses.

    • Make sure to include multiple IP-addresses from different zones as well as same zones and note the location of the respective IP-addresses from the table "API_ANALYTICS_<server_group_name>_LOCATION".
    • Amazon ec2 instances or google cloud instances can be used for this step.
  10. Invoke the following API from Swagger UI and check if the response is as expected:

  11. In the API dashboard Analytics Group By drop-down, select all or any of the following parameters:
  12. Verify the result from the responses obtained in Swagger UI.


    If the "IncludeGeoLocationEnabled" attribute is not enabled in the eStudio Profile Management, it throws an empty response or if there is any other issue, it throws error.

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