What is a Server Group and Why is it Needed ?
Server Groups play a central role in API deployment as they provide
- a way to define a cluster of gateway servers to deploy the projects.
- a mechanism to manage the API lifecycle.
- the possibility to have different levels of access to different types of clients.
To scale the API project to multiple proxies for ease of request handling and load balancing, it may be necessary to deploy the same API Project at multiple Gateways (Proxies). To achieve this objective, Server Groups can be added to a project; adding gateways to a server group will help deploy a project on various environments.
Managing Server Groups
This view allows you to add/edit/remove Servers to the API Manager.
Figure 1: Administration section with the Server Groups page displayed
To add a Server Group, click the Add button, and type the name of the new server group to be added. Select the newly added server group name to get the Servers section on the right side of the Server Group section.
Figure 2: Server Groups page with the Servers section that appears after clicking the Add button
Click the Edit icon to add servers to the environment. This displays the following table that shows the available gateway servers, one or more of which can be added to/removed from the environment by using the
Figure 3: Server Groups page with Available Servers section that appears after clicking the Edit button
Click the Save button to save the changes made to the Server Groups.
Click the Cancel button to revert the changes made in the Server Groups view.
To remove a server group, select the particular group name and click the Remove button.
Configuring Analytics Database
The Analytics Database Configuration section on the lower-right side of the Server Groups page is used to configure the database which in turn is used to save the Analytics data. The API Management uses PostgreSQL DB Server as the Analytics database where all analytics data being tracked at the proxy are stored and subsequently fetched for processing.
Figure 4: Analytics Database Configuration properties