

Keys section displays the list of keys (Public and Private) of the server's trust store, and allows to add or remove keys to the Server trust store.

Go to Admin tab > keys in API Management Dashboard.

Adding Partner's Public Key (Public Key Store Configuration)

  1. Select keystore from the Add Key From drop-drown menu under the Public Key Store Configuration section and click the Load File button.

  2. In the Add KeyStore File dialog box, provide the keystore password to load keys from the keystore.

  3. Select the key from the Alias Name drop-down and also provide the new Alias Name.
  4. Click the Save button. After successful save, users can view the key under List of Keys.
  5.  To remove keys from trust store, click the minus button in the list of keys table.

Adding Keys from certificates

  1. Select the certificate from Add keys from drop-drown menu. (see the figure above).
  2. Click the Load File button to choose the certificate file.

  3. Provide the alias name and description and click the Save button

Adding Host-Key Pair (Private Key Store Configuration)

  1. Click the Load KeyStore button to load the keystore.

  2. Provide the keystore password to load keys from the keystore.

  3. Select the key from the Alias Name drop-down.
  4. Provide new alias name and client Key Password.
  5. Click the Save button. After successful save, user can view the key under List of Keys.
  6. To remove keys from trust store, click the minus button in the list of keys table

Setting TrustStore reload-time in Jetty Server Profile configuration

For new certificates to be reloaded into the server, Trust store reload time needs to be set.

Jetty server running in the gateway server will be reloaded with new certificates within this interval. Steps to set the Trust Store reload time is given below:

  1. Open eStudio and open the Profile Management perspective.
  2. Open APIGateway Server profile.
  3. Go to APIGateway > Fiorano > APIGateway > Jetty > PeerAPIManagementJetty and set TrustStoreReload time to required time interval.


By default, the truststore Reload time is set to 0 due to which the Trust store does not load.

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