Los Gatos, CA - May 5th 2008:
Fiorano Software, (www.fiorano.com) a leading provider of enterprise class business process integration and messaging infrastructure technology announced today that Premiere Global Services, a global provider of on-demand business process improvement solutions chose FioranoMQ® to enhance it's e-mail marketing product lines with higher response rates, instant consumer actions and direct results tracking.
The dramatic throughput increase enabled by FioranoMQ® enables Premiere Global's IT infrastructure to scale smoothly to accommodate a growing user base. "Premiere Global's choice of FioranoMQ® underscores Fiorano's continuing global leadership in standards-based messaging across all industries", said Atul Saini, President and CEO of Fiorano.
FioranoMQ® 2008 delivers significant enhancements for enterprise-grade messaging in a number of key areas, from improved enterprise management capabilities and new administrative / configuration tools to a new Component Assembly Framework that allows for more efficient in-process message routing and dispatching.
Premiere Global Services, Inc について
Premiere Global Services, Inc (www.premiereglobal.com) is a global provider of on-demand business process improvement solutions that enable businesses to automate and simplify their business processes and to communicate more efficiently and effectively with their constituents. Our Premiere Global Communications Operating System offers hundreds of industry-specific business applications within the following solutions: Conferencing, Desktop Fax, Document Delivery, Notifications & Reminders and e-Marketing. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and with presence in 23 countries worldwide, Premiere Global delivers solutions to an established customer base of over 50,000 companies, including nearly 95% of the Fortune 500.
Fiorano Software について
Fiorano Software (www.fiorano.jp) は、カリフォルニア州ロスガトスに本社を置く、インテグレーション ミドルウェアのリーディング企業です。Fiorano Software のソリューションは、インターオペラべりティ、パフォーマンス、スケーラビリティ、ROI などの面で新たなパラダイムをもたらしています。ボーイング、ブリティッシュ テレコム、NASA、シュルンベルジェ、Federal Reserve Bank of New York、FedEx、ロッキード マーチン、マッケンソンなどの世界的なリーダ企業で Fiorano Software の技術が採用されており、企業のバックボーン システムとして稼動しております。
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Fiorano Software 日本オフィス
青島 茂
Tel. (03)-5464-8743