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LiquidityHub 銀行が取引システムのメッセージング バックボーンに FioranoMQ を採用 -- Fiorano (フィオラノ)

LiquidityHub 銀行が取引システムのメッセージング バックボーンに FioranoMQ を採用

High performance and ultra-low latency make Fiorano the overwhelming choice.

London, UK, January 28th, 2008

Fiorano Software Ltd., a leading provider of business integration and SOA-ESB middleware solutions, today announced that LiquidityHub, a consortium of leading investment banks, selected FioranoMQ® as its messaging infrastructure for implementation of its trade messaging system.

FioranoMQ® provides superior messaging technology for the LiquidityHub, a cluster of systems for on-line negotiation of trades with a requirement for sub-micro-second latency and consistent high-performance message exchanges.

LiquidityHub operates in the fixed-income markets, providing aggregated liquidity and market data in support of electronic trading. It is using the FioranoMQ® 2007 Real Time messaging system to support a low-latency, high-performance operational environment. LiquidityHub has standardized on Fiorano technology to underpin all of its real-time fixed-income trade messaging system requirements.

"LiquidityHub chose Fiorano after an intensive due-diligence process lasting nearly six months, covering a demanding set of parameters of technology requirements,"said Atul Saini, CEO of Fiorano. “This is a significant win for us and an endorsement of Fiorano's continuing ability to deliver enterprise-class leading performance and stability".

Tony Harrop, CTO at LiquidityHub, said, "LiquidityHub provides the fixed income market with multi-dealer, multi-distributor trade messaging that facilitates unprecedented access to deeper liquidity. By offering micro-second response times, FioranoMQ® helps us deliver immediate and reliable aggregate liquidity from participating banks and distributors, and future-proofs the growth we expect in pricing and trading volumes as new product markets are added".

LiquidityHub, launched in October 2007 is backed by 16 leading fixed income dealers. It offers participating dealers connectivity direct to their clients desktops via Bloomberg and Reuters.


About LiquidityHub:
LiquidityHub ( was established in 2006 by leading banks in fixed income for the aggregation of liquidity and market data in support of electronic trading. The banks that own LiquidityHub are ABN AMRO, Bank of America, Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Calyon, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking, and UBS.

LiquidityHub aggregates liquidity from participating banks using fair trading standards and protocols. LiquidityHub facilitates distribution of liquidity for electronic trading and market data through electronic distribution channels but is not itself a trading platform. LiquidityHub also supports efficient electronic post-trade processes. LiquidityHub is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

Fiorano Software について
Fiorano Software ( は、カリフォルニア州ロスガトスに本社を置く、インテグレーション ミドルウェアのリーディング企業です。Fiorano Software のソリューションは、インターオペラべりティ、パフォーマンス、スケーラビリティ、ROI などの面で新たなパラダイムをもたらしています。ボーイング、ブリティッシュ テレコム、NASA、シュルンベルジェ、Federal Reserve Bank of New York、FedEx、ロッキード マーチン、マッケンソンなどの世界的なリーダ企業で Fiorano Software の技術が採用されており、企業のバックボーン システムとして稼動しております。

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