Los Gatos CA – June 19, 2007
Fiorano Software Inc., (www.fiorano.com) a leading innovator in enterprise middleware technology, today endorsed its dedication to standards development by becoming a contributing member of the Integrated Justice Information Systems ( IJIS ) Institute.
"Fiorano has been involved in supporting the public sector since the State of Pennsylvania chose us for the JNET project in 1999. With full support for the GJXDM standards, Fiorano is the ESB platform of choice for state governments in a variety of projects relating to the creation of a country-wide network for the efficient dissemination of critical law-enforcement information" said Atul Saini, CEO Fiorano Software.
Paul Wormeli, Executive Director of the IJIS Institute, said that "we welcome the involvement of Fiorano to the effort of helping multiple levels of government implement better ways of information sharing. Companies like Fiorano are bringing new and important technologies to the table that will seriously reduce the cost and risk of information sharing projects throughout the country."
Most recently, the
County of Tulare, CA selected the Fiorano SOA™ 2007 Platform to integrate its justice system to enable real-time information exchange by integrating applications at different county departments involved in the justice process, such as, the Court, District Attorney, Probation, Public Defender and Sheriff.
Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD) is a collection of artifacts that describe the structure and content of an Information Exchange Package used to exchange information using the GJXDM or NIEM.
The Global JXDM is an XML standard designed specifically for criminal justice information exchanges, providing law enforcement, public safety agencies and the judicial branch with a tool to effectively share data and information in a timely manner. The Global JXDM removes the burden from agencies to independently create exchange standards through the use of a common vocabulary that is understood system-to-system.
In addition, ordering activities are easy since Fiorano has an existing GSA contract with Cooperative Purchasing for supply of its Messaging Middleware products to Federal, State and Local Government.
The Fiorano SOA™ 2007 Platform provides right set of business services at the right level of granularity to maximize business agility. Fiorano's standards based integration technology is fast furnishing the growing demand for SOA-based solutions for both public and commercial sectors across the world. The Fiorano SOA™ Platform is built on the FioranoESB™ , Enterprise Service Bus and FioranoMQ®, the leading JMS Server on the market today.
About Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute (IJIS):
IJIS (www.ijis.org) is a not-for-profit corporation, formed in April 2001 by industry leaders to provide inputs to the Justice Department in matters of technical and functional standards employed by justice agencies and to help develop open standards for information sharing.
IJIS aims at having a single voice of industry in the development of issues surrounding integrated justice and its implementation, leveraging the knowledge base of its member firms
Fiorano Software について
Fiorano Software (www.fiorano.jp) は、カリフォルニア州ロスガトスに本社を置く、インテグレーション ミドルウェアのリーディング企業です。Fiorano Software のソリューションは、インターオペラべりティ、パフォーマンス、スケーラビリティ、ROI などの面で新たなパラダイムをもたらしています。ボーイング、ブリティッシュ テレコム、NASA、シュルンベルジェ、Federal Reserve Bank of New York、FedEx、ロッキード マーチン、マッケンソンなどの世界的なリーダ企業で Fiorano Software の技術が採用されており、企業のバックボーン システムとして稼動しております。
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Fiorano Software 日本オフィス
青島 茂
Tel. (03)-5464-8743