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Connect First 社が FioranoMQ をコールセンター システムに導入 -- Fiorano (フィオラノ)

Connect First 社が FioranoMQ® をコールセンター システムに導入

Fiorano provides high-availability and unparalleled ease-of-management for high-performance call-center solutions

Los Gatos, CA, October 31st, 2007

Fiorano Software Inc, ( a leading provider of Business Integration and Enterprise Messaging Solutions, announced today that Connect First, Inc.( leading developers of hosted call-center solutions, has deployed FioranoMQ® to develop a high performance virtual call center engine and interface.

"Providing high-performance call-center solutions requires 'Carrier Grade' service levels which can only be achieved with an architecture that has no single point of failure. This architecture needs to allow decoupling of data from hardware. FioranoMQ® provides enhanced resilience functionality to ensure that messages do not get lost in the event of a system failure. After doing exhaustive research, we came to the conclusion that Fiorano's product was the only solution reliable, fast, scalable and flexible enough to meet our needs", said Richard Manulkin, President,Connect First, Inc.

"Connect First's choice of FioranoMQ® reinforces Fiorano's position as the most powerful communication backbone for Telecom solutions, allowing real-time delivery of data spanning multiple applications, platforms, partners and customers", said Atul Saini, President and CEO of Fiorano.

"FioranoMQ® Version 2007 delivers significant enhancements for enterprise-grade messaging in a number of key areas, from improved enterprise management capabilities and new administrative/configuration tools to a new Component Assembly Framework that allows for more efficient in-process message routing and dispatching. Fiorano is the messaging middle ware of choice supporting mission-critical operations at Global Leaders worldwide.


About Connect First, Inc :
Connect First, Inc., ( created from a team of highly experienced engineers, business analysts, and designers, covering all of the voice, mobile and web disciplines. Creators of support vehicles such as leading edge Direct Marketing, IVR, ACD, CTI, SMS, MMS, WAP, Tele services, Direct Mail, Business Intelligence Suites, Interactive Consumer Web Sites, and all combinations of the above. On average, senior management experience is over 30 years in the industry. The depth of experience ranges from Fortune 50 companies to smaller entrepreneurial start-ups.

Fiorano Software について
Fiorano Software ( は、カリフォルニア州ロスガトスに本社を置く、インテグレーション ミドルウェアのリーディング企業です。Fiorano Software のソリューションは、インターオペラべりティ、パフォーマンス、スケーラビリティ、ROI などの面で新たなパラダイムをもたらしています。ボーイング、ブリティッシュ テレコム、NASA、シュルンベルジェ、Federal Reserve Bank of New York、FedEx、ロッキード マーチン、マッケンソンなどの世界的なリーダ企業で Fiorano Software の技術が採用されており、企業のバックボーン システムとして稼動しております。

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Fiorano Software 日本オフィス
青島 茂
Tel. (03)-5464-8743

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