Fiorano Webconsole provides a web-based monitoring tool for the Fiorano ESB Network and hence is commonly called as the Dashboard. Apart from the monitoring feature, it also provides support for launching, stopping and restarting an application using a web interface. Below section gives a comprehensive insight on how to log on to the Dashboard and about the features available in each section of the Dashboard.

Login Page

Fiorano ESB Webconsole can be accessed by starting the Fiorano Enterprise Server (FES) and then opening http://localhost:1980/ESBDashboard on a web browser.

Alternatively, access the Fiorano Web Container from the link present in the welcome page at http://localhost:1980.


Replace 'localhost' with the IP address of the machine where the servers are running in case it is different from the local machine.

Log in by entering the credentials configured for the FES; default credentials are:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: passwd

Figure 1: Fiorano Web Console Login Page

The Fiorano Web Console has eleven different sections, grouped logically, based on data presented:

  1. Server Status
  2. Applications
  3. Events
  4. Document Tracking
  5. Monitoring
  6. BAM
  7. Security
  8. Services
  9. Audit Management
  10. Resource Search
  11. Advanced Properties

Server Status

Server Status tab shows the details of the available Fiorano Servers. The top view shows the running status, memory usage and CPU Utilization. Further details are available on clicking the server links, which loads the bottom view with the following details:

Server Details

Displays the basic details of the server. Click the server name present under Server column to display the details under Server Details tab below.

Figure 2: Server Status tab showing FES details

System Details

O/S and JVM statistics of the server

Figure 3: Server Status tab showing System details


This section lists details of server patches that are installed/uninstalled/failed.

Figure 4: Patches tab which displays details of installed/uninstalled/failed patches


List of JMS topics present in the server.

Figure 5: Server Status tab showing topics created by FES


List of queues present in the server.

Figure 6: Server Status tab showing queues created by FES


To track messages in the Queues section, enable the EnableMessageMonitoring property under QueueingSubSystem node in the Peer Server. Refer the Enable Message Monitoring in the View Message Monitoring Logs section to see how to enable this from the Profile Manager perspective.


List of connections created by the server.

Figure 7: Server Status tab showing connections created on FES

Adapter Patches

This section displays the patches installed for a microservice. After importing the patch from the eStudio Micro Service Repository, the microservice details reflect here.

Figure 8: Adapter Patches tab showing the microservices patch details

Running Components

This section shows the microservices running on the FPS as a result of the Event Processes that are running. Click the fps node in the Server column under the Server Status section to display this option; the Adapter Patches option pertaining to FES will be switched with the Running Components option.

Figure 9: Running Components tab showing the microservices that are running


This section shows the details of the event processes running on the Fiorano Peer Server. The top view shows the list of event processes saved in the Fiorano Server. It also shows the details like running status, category and the Peer servers used. By clicking on the link for each event process, you get the details of the Service Instances running as part of it. This page also provides capabilities to launch, stop, restart an event process or its components, View Output and Error logs, and Export logs (These features is disabled if event process is in debug mode). The details for the services are displayed in the bottom view. This includes:

  • Service Instance Name - Service components in the event process
  • Service GUID - Service GUID of the component
  • Version - Version of the component
  • Status - Displays whether the component is running or not
  • Running on Peer - Name of the peer server on which the component is launched
  • Launch Type - Displays whether the component is launched as a separate process, in-memory or manual.
  • Memory Usage - Displays memory usage for CCP enabled components
  • Process ID - Displays process id for CCP enabled components which are executed as separate process

Figure 10: Applications Tab showing the details of the applications

Monitor Performance

You can monitor the performance of services by enabling monitoring in the respective component CPS. Performance statistics is shown in two views - Data View and Graph View.


To monitor user Events, you need to enable a parameter - ListenForUserEvents in FES profile. This can be done from eStudio Profile Manager or from the Dashboard. Refer the Enable ListenForUserEvents parameter for Monitoring Performance section to read through the steps.

Data View

This view shows performance messages sent by components in data form. You have the choice to select the components for which monitoring data should be displayed. Also, the time-interval for which monitoring data is displayed can be configured.

Figure 11: Data View tab

Graph View

Performance of a component is represented in a graphical form. Graphs can be monitored for archived performance data or for the latest data. To show latest performance data, select Live Graph option. Maximum number of points plotted on the graph can be configured by specifying desired value for the Max Points field. It is recommended to use Firefox 2.0 or Internet Explorer to see Graph View.


Only one component can be monitored at a time in Graph View. 

Figure 12: Graph View


Provides the details of the events generated by the Fiorano Enterprise Server (FES), the Fiorano Peer Server (FPS), Applications, Services, Security, and the SBW exceptions that occur while running various event processes.

Figure 13: Events tab showing the latest events

The Event tab has four sections:

  1. Latest
  2. Archives
  3. SMTP Alert Registration
  4. JMS Alert Registration

This gives the list of latest Events generated by FES and FPS. The visible Events can be filtered using the Event Type and Event Category options. Refer to Figure 9

To open Filter Event, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Events tab from the Navigation Panel and choose Latest option; a list of latest Events generated by FES and FPS is displayed.
  2. Click the Filter Events button present at the upper-right part of the screen; the Set Event Filters dialog box appears (Figure 10).

    Figure 14: Filter Events Button
  3. Choose the Event Type and Event Category from the drop-down list and click Done.

    Figure 15: Set Events Filters dialog box


    More drop-down options appear as required depending on the Event Type and Event Category.



This section shows you Archived Events present in the database. You have the option to choose Event Type, Event Category, Date and Time range to view the corresponding Events.

To filter events, perform the following:

  1. Click the Events tab from the Navigation Panel and choose Archives option; a list of Archived Events is displayed.
  2. Click the Filter Events button present at the upper-right part of the screen; the Set Event Filters dialog box appears (Figure 12).

    Figure 16: Filter Events button
  3. Choose Event Type and Event Category from the drop-down list and click the Search button, as shown in the figure below. The result appears on the screen.

    Figure 17: Set Event Filters dialog box

To delete Events, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Events tab from the Navigation panel and choose the Archives option; a list of archived events appears.
  2. Select the relevant event and click the Delete selected records button present next to the Filter Events button

    Figure 18: Delete selected records button
  3. The Events Table Updated dialog box appears confirming the deletion; click OK.

    Figure 19: Event Table Updated dialog box
SMTP Alert Registration

You can change the configuration of the mail server settings by going to the Configure SMTP Server Settings button. This page also provides an option to specify usernames and passwords in case the mail server requires authentication of these in order to send e-mails.

To add an Alert Configuration, perform the following:

  1. Click the Events tab from the Navigation Panel and choose the SMTP Alert Registration option.
  2. Click the Add an Alert Configuration button; Configure SMTP Alert dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 16.

    Figure 20: Add an Alert Configuration button
  3. Choose the Event Type and Event Category from the drop-down list and enter the email ID of the recipient in RecipientAddress field.

    Setting Periodic Email Alerts


    Select the Periodic Alert option and specify the period alert time interval in minutes to configure Periodic Email alert notifications.

    Figure 21: Configure SMTP Alert dialog box

    List of Events


     Refer the List of Events section to see the list of events under each Event Type.

  4. Finally, click the Add button to apply the changes. The list of currently configured email alerts appears.

    Figure 22: Event e-mail registration option

To configure SMTP server settings, perform the following:

  1. Click the Events tab from the Navigation Panel and choose the SMTP Alert Registration option.
  2. Click the Configure SMTP Server Settings button; Configure SMTP Server Settings dialog box appears as shown in Figure 18.
  3. Enter the details and click on Validate button, if the validation is successful, then click SaveConfigurations button to save the configurations and click Done.

    Figure 23: Configure SMTP Server Settings dialog box
JMS Alert Registration

You can configure the JMS server settings by going to the Configure JMS Server Settings button. This page also provides an option to specify usernames and passwords in case the JMS server requires authentication

To add an Alert Configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Events tab from the Navigation Panel and choose JMS Alert Registration option.
  2. Click the Add an Alert Configuration button; Configure JMS Alert dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 20.

    Figure 24: Add an Alert Configuration button
  3. Choose the Event Type and Event Category from the drop-down list and enter the Destination Name(can be new or existing destination).

    Figure 25: Configure JMS Alert dialog box

    List of Events


     Refer the List of Events section to see the list of events under each Event Type.


  4. Finally, click the Add button to apply the changes. The list of JMS configured alerts appears.

    Figure 26: Event JMS registration option

To configure JMS Server settings, per

  1. Click the Events tab from the Navigation Panel and choose the JMS Alert Registration option.
  2. Click the ConfigureJMSServerSettings button; Configure JMS Server Settings dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 22.
  3. Enter the details and click the Validate button. If the Validation is Successful, then click Save Configurations button to save the configurations, and click Done.

    Figure 27: Configure JMS Server Settings dialog box

Document Tracking


Refer to the Document Tracking page to know how to enable Document Tracking in a Workflow of an Event Process and hence track them in the Dashboard.

This section shows all the tracked documents in Fiorano Event Processes under SBW Workflows Count section along with details of the tracked documents under SBW Documents section below.

Figure 28: Document tracking tab showing tracked documents

The details of each tracked document can be seen by clicking the particular document's Workflow ID (see the figure above). This shows the document details such as the component processing it, time stamps, document IDs and the originating port of the tracked document.

Figure 24: Details of the tracked document

Properties of the tracked documents can be seen by clicking on a particular Document ID (see the figure above), which shows the tracked document message properties, details of attachments, application context, message body and other general properties.

Figure 29: Tracked document


For searching for the tracked documents from eStudio, refer to the Searching SBW Documents section.

Filtering data by Date Range

Application documents data can be filtered further by specifying the particular period of time as required. Select the Date Range option to opt for specific start and end dates in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS format to filter records, and select from the options Hour, Today, Week, Month, and Year for the latest hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly data respectively.


By default, it displays the data filtered for the previous hour.

Figure 30: Option to filter data using Date Range

Application Level Document Tracking

You can Enable/Disable Document Tracking at Application Level by clicking the Enable/Disable Application Level Document Tracking button present at the upper-right side of the screen. Select the Application and Version for which document tracking has to be enabled/disabled and click Enable'/'Disable.

Figure 31: Application Level Document Tracking

Reset Counters

You can reset the counters of Workflows and Exception Documents as visible in the Application Documents tab. The reset action can also be undone later.  Click the Reset Counters button present at the upper-right side of the screen to open Reset Counters dialog box. Select the Application and Version for which document tracking has to be reset and click Submit. The counters to be reset can be selected by selecting the appropriate checkbox, options being In Transit, Completed, Exception Documents and Undo Reset. 

Figure 32: Reset Counters

Searching Tracked Documents

The Dashboard supports searching of tracked documents based on various criteria such as Application Name, Version, Service, Port Name, User DOC ID, Workflow Instance ID, Document ID, FPS Name, Status. Document Status (EXECUTED or EXECUTING) and Message. In addition, documents can be searched based on their date they were generated (the results can be produced in Ascending/Descending order as well). To provide the search options, click Search section and then click the Filter SBW Documents button present at the upper-right part of the screen. 

Figure 33: Searching tracked documents

Re-injecting Documents

Documents can be selected as per choice and re-injected using the ReInject Selected Documents button present in the upper-right part of the screen. This is mainly used to re-inject failed documents, that is, the messages that reach the exception port.


Refer to the Re-injecting Failed Documents page to understand more about failed documents and re-injection.

Figure 34: Selecting documents to reinject

Deleting Selected Documents

To delete a document or a selected set of documents, select the record(s) and click Delete Selected Documents button present in the upper-right part of the screen.

Figure 35: Selecting documents to delete SBW records

Scheduling Deletion of SBW Documents

To understand how to schedule a deletion task for old SBW documents and thereby create some disk space, refer How to schedule Deletion of SBW Documents section. This helps in avoiding issues like Low Disk Space error.


The monitoring section helps you add policies or alerts to monitor the Fiorano Network.


Refer to the Monitoring section for detailed description on Backlog Monitoring feature

The Monitoring tab has the following sections:

  • Monitor Messages
  • Policy Manager
  • Alert Manager
Monitor Messages

Refer to the Monitoring Messages section to see how to monitor messages.


To track messages in the Monitor Messages section, enable the EnableMessageMonitoring property under QueueingSubSystem node in the Peer Server. Refer Enable Message Monitoring in the View Message Monitoring Logs section to see how to enable this from the Profile Manager perspective.

Policy Manager

This tab shows all the policies that are present in the Fiorano Network. This tab allows you to add new policies, edit or delete an existing policy, apply or suspend existing policies.

Two types of policies can be added:

  • Backlog Policy
  • Low Memory Policy
  • Low Disk Policy

Figure 36: Policy Manager


Refer to the Managing Policies section for details.

Alert Manager

This tab shows all the alerts that are present in the Fiorano Network. This tab allows you to add new alerts, edit or delete an existing alert.

Two types of alerts can be added:

  • SMTP Alert
  • JMS Alert

Figure 36: Alert Manager

This tab has two sub-tabs. These allow to specify the transport settings that will be used for sending the alerts. The settings can be specified for SMTP and JMS transports.

Figure 38: SMTP Transport

Figure 39: JMS Transport


Security section gives the security actions that can be performed in the Fiorano Network. These include adding/ editing users, groups, application level or group level permissions and validation or strength rules for passwords. These also include the principal store synchronization.formed in the Fiorano Network. These include adding/ editing users, groups, application level or group level permissions and validation or strength rules for passwords. These also include the principal store synchronization.formed in the Fiorano Network. These include adding/ editing users, groups, application level or group level permissions and validation or strength rules for passwords. These also include the principal store synchronization.formed in the Fiorano Network. These include adding/ editing users, groups, application level or group level permissions and validation or strength rules for passwords. These also include the principal store synchronization.

The Security tab has seven sections:

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Global Permissions
  • Application Permissions
  • Principal Store Sync
  • Security Datastore Reset
  • Password Rules
  • Certificate Management

This tab shows you details of Users currently registered in the Fiorano network. The actions that can be undertaken in this tab include creating new users, deleting an existing user or changing password for an existing user, provided that you have the proper User Permissions to do so.

Figure 40: Users


This tab shows the groups registered in the Fiorano network. Groups allow grouping users together and applying actions on them together. The actions that can be undertaken in this tab include creating new groups, deleting/editing an existing group, provided that you have proper User Permissions to do so.

Figure 41: Groups

Global Permissions

This tab shows the global permissions that are currently available in the Fiorano network. This tab allows you to edit or specify the users for whom these permissions will be applicable, provided that you have proper User Permissions to do so.

Figure 42: Global Permissions

Application Permissions

This tab shows the application permissions that are available in the Fiorano network. This tab allows you to edit the application permissions for a user, provided that you have proper User Permissions to do so.


Application level permissions override global level permissions. For example, if a user is given launch permission for applications in global permissions, but for a particular application, he/she is not granted the permission to launch that application, then the user will not be allowed to launch that particular application.

Figure 43: Application Permissions

Principal Store Sync

This tab shows the principal store synchronization status for the connected peers. This also allows you to synchronize the store for a peer.

Figure 44: Principal Store Sync

Security Datastore Reset

This tab shows the Security Datastore of the Enterprise Network. It also allows the authorized user to reset the entire Security Datastore viz. the Principals and the ACLs to system default.

Figure 45: Security Datastore Reset

Password Rules

This tab shows the validation and strength rules that are used for matching the passwords or determining their strengths. This tab allows you to add new rules or remove an existing one. By default, no validation rules are provided.

Figure 46: Password Rules

Certificate Management

This feature shows the list of keys of the server's trust store. This also allows to add or remove keys to server's trust store.

Figure 47: Certificate Management options

  1. In the Add Entries to keystore tab, select "keystore" from Add key Fromdrop-drown menu and click the Load File button to load keystore.


    In the Add keystore File dialog box, choose the keystore file and provide the keystore password to load keys from the keystore.

    Figure 48: "Add keyStore File" dialog box to add Keystore credentials

  2. Select the key from Alias Name drop-down and click the Save button to apply the changes. After successful save, keys get displayed in the key under List of Keys tab.
  3. To remove keys from trust store, click the Delete  button in the Remove Alias column.

To add Keys from certificates,

  1. Select "Certificate" from the Add key From drop-drown menu.
  2. Using the Load File button, choose the certificate file.

    Figure 49: "Add Certificate File" dialog box to add Keys from certificates

  3. Provide the alias name and description and click on Save button. 


The Services tab shows the details of the event processes deployed as Web Services. You can view the status of web service either online or offline and has the option of enabling or disabling this option. You can also test RESTful deployed from the dashboard.

Figure 50: Web Services - Event process

Figure 51: Web Services tab

The details shown for the Event Process deployed as web services are:

  • Context Name - Name of the context for the web service deployed
  • End Point URL - Effective End Point URL is http://<peerserverip>:<httpport>/<rootContext>/ContextName
  • Status - Shows whether the web service is online or offline
  • Show WSDL - Gives the link to show WSDL
  • Stub Name - Name of Stub for the deployed Event Process as web service

Audit Management

Audit Management section in web console allows defining audit policies and searching for audit events as per requirement. This section has been divided into 3 sub-sections.

  • Policies
  • Event Viewer
  • Audit Policy Store Synchronization

In this view, you can view/edit available audit policies. These policies define the actions that will be audited by the system. In a fresh installation, all policies are in passive state, meaning none of the action is audited. You can selectively enable the actions that they want to audit.

Figure 52: Policies

Event Viewer

This view shows audit events based on the specified search criteria. A comprehensive list of audit event filters is available to refine the audit events as per requirement. This view also allows saving search preferences for later use, thus avoiding the painful task of creating audit filters each time you need to search. Below is a snapshot of Event Viewer page rendered after searching for certain audit events.

Figure 53: Event Viewer

Audit Policy Store Synchronization

This view shows the result of synchronization of audit policy store operation (See image below). A synchronized audit policy store means that the same audit policies (as in Enterprise Server) are active in peer servers as well. If stores are not synchronized, the status field will display 'false' and the reason for which the synchronization not achieved will be displayed under Comment column. You can force re-synchronization of audit policies with a particular peer server by clicking on the image shown under 'Synchronize' column.

Figure 54: Audit Policy Store Synchronization


Refer to the Monitoring Events and Tracking Performance section for detailed information about Fiorano Audit Management feature.

Resource Search

This section allows you to search for different resources that have been configured to be used by Fiorano Event Processes. The search for the resources can be performed on three different views:

  1. Application View
  2. Component View
  3. Resource View

Figure 55: Searching configured resources based on application view

Figure 56: Searching configured resources based on component view

Figure 57: Searching configured resources based on resource view

Advanced Properties

This tab allows you to change values of frequently used server properties from Dashboard.

Figure 58: Advanced Properties

Click the Change button of the attribute whose value has to be changed; Change value dialog box appears. Click OK after changing the value.


If the restart required is true for the attribute. Then server needs to be restarted to get that value into effect.

Figure 59: Change Attribute Value

Enabling Fiorano Web Console

The Fiorano Web Console can be enabled from Online as well as Offline mode.

Online mode

To enable Fiorano Web Console in online mode (server running):

  1. Login to Peer server via JMX(FPS-JMX)
  2. Navigate to Fiorano > etc > Jetty Server > JettyServer > config and set EnableStart property to 'yes'.
  3. Right-click on FPS-JMX and click Save Configurations option.
  4. Shut down both Peer and Enterprise servers.

Offline mode

To enable Fiorano Web Console in offline mode (server not running):

  1. Open profile in eStudio, browse to Fiorano > etc > Jetty Server > JettyServer > config and set EnableStart property to 'yes'.
  2. Save profile.

After editing profile (online or offline), perform the following actions:

  1. Clear peer repository using the following command

  2. Restart the servers.


While starting peer server, the port for WMT will be listed as the Dashboard Listening Port.


Select keystore, from Add keys from drop-drown menu.

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