
S3Upload component uploads all the files to a specified bucket.


Get Access Key id and Secret Key from AWS Management Console at


Provide AmazonS3FullAccess policy to the user to get the full access to the S3 service.

Configuration and Testing

The figure below illustrates the Component Property Sheet (CPS) panel with Expert Properties view enabled.

Figure 1: Configuration panel of S3Upload

Access Key id

Specifies Access Key id

Secret Key

Specifies Secret Key

Chunk Size

Chunk Size should be more than or equal to 5 MB. If the file size is more than 5MB, it is uploaded as parts of specified chunk sizes. If the provided file is less than 5MB, it will be uploaded as single chunk.

Bucket Name

Specifies the S3 bucket name. Component does not create the bucket, so we need to specify the existing one only.

File Name Prefix

Prefix of the file name to be prepended to the correlation id.

Correlation Id Property

Specifies Correlation Id message property name. The input messages will be grouped based on the correlation id property. Messages which has same property value will be treated as one file. This value is appended to the FileNamePrefix (if FileNamePrefix is specified), and treated as file name.

Completeness Condition Property Name

Name of the Completeness Condition Property. Component treats that the file was completed on receiving a message with completeness property equals to completeness property value

Completeness Condition Property Value

Value of the Completeness Condition property. Component treats that the file was completed on receiving a message with completeness property equals to completeness property value

Bucket Name Property

Specifies the Bucket name property name. Bucket name can be provided from the input whose value takes precedence over the one provided in CPS.

AWS Region

The region of AWS Management console.

Sequence Number Property

This property is used to identify duplicate sequence numbers. Discards the duplicate input arrived on its input port.

Thread Pool Size

The number of threads if the upload needs to be done using multiple threads.

Is Input Binary

Specifies whether the input messages are byte messages or not.

Is Text Base64 Encoded

Specifies if the input text needs decryption using Base64.

Functional Demonstration

Uploading a file into the AWT Management console and displaying the status. Configure S3Uploader as described in Configuration and testing section and use feeder and display component to send sample input and check the response respectively.

Figure 2: Demonstrating a scenario with sample input and output

Input Message

Figure 3: Input XML sent using feeder

Output Message

Figure 4: Output demonstrating the status of the uploading file

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