To clear the FES server database of the default profile (that is profile1), run or double-click the script clearDBServer.bat/.sh –mode fes available under <fiorano_installation_dir>\esb\server\bin directory.

To clear the FES server database of a profile other than the default profile, run the script clearDBServer.bat/.sh available under <fiorano_installation_dir>\esb\server\bin folder with the profile option as shown below:

The following operations are available when this script is executed.

Select the datastore to clear:

  • File Based Datastore – Clears the local cache of the Enterprise Server including stored logs.
  • Admin Datastore – Clears the admin objects, that is, JMS Connection factories, queue and topic destinations, status of running Event Processes and component instances.
  • Peer Repository – Clears all the fetched peer server profiles from Enterprise Server runtimedata.
  • Events Database – Clears the Events Database using the configurations provided in eventsdb.cfg file present under: <fiorano_installation_dir>/esb/server/profiles/<profilename>/FES/conf directory.
  • SBW Database – Clears the SBW database using the configurations provided in the sbwdb.cfg file present under: <fiorano_installation_dir>/esb/server/profiles/<profilename>/FES/conf directory.

The Enterprise Server processes System events, SBW events and Backlog events and takes appropriate actions. System events and SBW events are queued up to be inserted into an external database while Backlog events are queued up to be handled by various alert handlers. Before this processing happens, events are temporarily stored in persistent database that are created during runtime data of the Enterprise Server. After an event has been processed, it gets deleted from the temporary store. If these events are not able to be processed, the temporary datastore may grow to occupy a large amount of disk-space. Option 7, 8, and 9 can be used to delete the temporary persistent datastore of different events.

  • Events Persistent Database – Clears the temporary persistent datastore of system events.
  • SBW Persistent Database – Clears the temporary persistent datastore of SBW events.
  • Backlog Persistent Database – Clears the temporary persistent datastore of backlog events.
  • All – Clears all nine of the above.

This script can be executed in Quiet Mode as follows.

  • -mode - to clear fps or fes runtimedata
  • -dbPath - runtime data directory for the profile
  • -profile - profile name for which runtimedata is to be cleared
  • -q - to run the script in quiet mode.



Provide comma separated option values to this argument. Absence of any argument will lead to the default option; option 10, 'ALL'.

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