The NEFTConverter component is used to convert NEFT/RTGS transactions from XML format to NEFT/RTGS format or vice-versa.

Configuration and Testing

The NEFTConverter component can be configured using separate Configuration Property Sheet (CPS) wizards for NEFT/RTGS Message Header and Body. 

Double-click the NEFTConverter component from the Fiorano Orchestrator to open the CPS.

Figure 1: NEFTConverter CPS

NEFTConvertor Details

Convert XML to NEFT/RTGS?

This checkbox is used to choose the type of conversion i.e., XML to NEFT/RTGS or NEFT/RTGS to XML. By default, it is enabled, which means that the type of conversion is from XML to NEFT/RTGS format.

Validate NEFT/RTGS input?

This checkbox is used to validate the input message. Selecting this option will validate the input NEFT/RTGS data against the data types specified in the header/body message configuration.

NEFT/RTGS Message Type Settings

Data Types Configuration

Data types which are used for field values in body message can be configured here. A Data type value is a permitted character set for field values in fixed/repeating values which are user-defined regex expressions.

Figure 2: Data Types Configuration panel

Body Message Configuration

For NEFT/RTGS body message block configuration, user can add the Field Name and its corresponding default Fixed and Repeating values. It has two tabs, Fixed values and Repeating values. In this panel, user can define the properties of fields required for body message. User can add, delete or update these values.

Fixed values: Fixed values are mandatory fields which should appear in the NEFT/RTGS input and each element for corresponding field appears only once in the NEFT/RTGS input for NEFT to XML conversion. For XML to NEFT/RTGS conversion, if the input xml does not contain the element defined in the Fixed values panel, default value defined in the CPS will be used for conversion from XML to NEFT/RTGS, otherwise the value associated with the element will be used for the conversion.

Repeating values: Repeating values work the same way as Fixed values above except that they are optional and the repeating block of elements can be repeated 0 to N number of times. In case of multiple repetitions in NEFT/RTGS to Xml conversion whole block of repeating elements should repeat in the given input.

Data Type : User has to select data type from the dropdown menu which are the values loaded from the Data Type configuration panel. Field value will be validated against this specified data type while conversion.

Length Type: The length of the value for a particular field can be defined in Length type, max length and min length.

  • Max length: Length of the field should not cross the max length specified.
  • Min length: Length of the field should not be less than Min length.
  • Fixed length: The field length is fixed for this type
  • Min max: Length of the field should be b/w specified min and max.

Use child as new line: If user add a child and select 'use child as new line' as True, a new line character will be added at the end to the child value and the child values will be joined together to form the parent element comprising all the children values as a separate line. This option is useful when entering large data like addresses, transaction info etc. as they would require multiple lines of text. This field should be set for only parent element of the child, for the child element this field will be disabled.

Description : Description will be used for field element name in schema generation which can't be null or empty

Value: For XML to NEFT/RTGS conversion, if the input message does not contain a particular field element then its default value will be taken from here.

Add Child: This button is used to add child to a particular field for Fixed or Repeating value. User can only add child to Parent fields.

UP/Down: Using these buttons user can navigate any field up or down in NEFT/RTGS message but for any child field user can only move the data among its siblings.

Figure 3: NEFT/RTGS Block4 (Body) Message Configuration panel

Header Message Configuration

This panel is used to configure the Header details (block A) of the NEFT/RTGS message. All the fields required for the header can be configured here for XML to NEFT/RTGS conversion or vice-versa. Each Header field has five properties as explained below:

Figure 4: NEFT/RTGS Header Configuration panel

  • Index : Order of the field in the Header message. All the fields added will be arranged in ascending order as per the index while generating Header message from them.
  • Field Name : Name of the field to be added to Header. Should not contain spaces.
  • Length : Number of characters in the field length. Should be Numeric in value.
  • Data Type : Specifies the Data Type of the field. It can be either Char, Alpha-Numeric or Numeric which can be selected from the drop-down menu.
  • Value : Value of the field which has been added. If its data type is Char, value will accept any character on keyboard. In case of alpha-numeric, only numeric plus alphabetical chars will be accepted in value. The value of each field should match with the data-type and length defined while adding the field.

Functional Demonstration

Figure 5: Demonstrating scenarios with sample input and output.

Scenario 1

Connect Feeder component to the input port and Display component to the output port of the NEFTConverter. Configure the component to XML to NEFT/RTGS mode, and set the schema in the Feeder input. For each header field, there will be a corresponding element in the input XML. If the element for the header field is not present in input XML its default value (as configured in CPS) will be picked for NEFT/RTGS conversion, otherwise the value associated with the element in the input will be used for the conversion.

Sample Input

<ns1:neftfield xmlns:ns1="">
<ns1:HF_Date>25052012 </ns1:HF_Date>
<ns1:HF_MUR>521416542 </ns1:HF_MUR>
<ns1:TransactionRef_2020>TransactionR </ns1:TransactionRef_2020>
<ns1:RelatedRef_2006>RelatedRe </ns1:RelatedRef_2006>
<ns1:ClearingEntity_6726>gsdgsd12345 </ns1:ClearingEntity_6726>
<ns1:ClearingType_8191>CD </ns1:ClearingType_8191>
<ns1:ReturnIndicator_6448>G </ns1:ReturnIndicator_6448>
<ns1:LastReturnIndic_6426>L </ns1:LastReturnIndic_6426>
<ns1:Line1_Child7.01>Line1_Child7.0, df1, fsfef, sf </ns1:Line1_Child7.01>
<ns1:Line2_Child7.02>Line2_Child7.02, fdfsf </ns1:Line2_Child7.02>
<ns1:Line3_Child7.03>Line3_Child7.03 </ns1:Line3_Child7.03>
<ns1:Line4_Child7.04>Line4_Child7.04 </ns1:Line4_Child7.04>
<ns1:Line5_Child7.05>Line5_Child7.05 </ns1:Line5_Child7.05>
<ns1:Line6_Child7.06>Line6_Child7.06 </ns1:Line6_Child7.06>
<ns1:ClearingParty_6656>124536_6656 </ns1:ClearingParty_6656>
<ns1:CreditDebit_Child2.01>D </ns1:CreditDebit_Child2.01>
<ns1:Value_Child2.02>15254,00 </ns1:Value_Child2.02>

Sample Output

{HDFC0001543ICIC000475225052012521416542}{4::2020:TransactionR:2006:RelatedRe:6726:gsdgsd12345:8191:CD:6448:G:6426:L:7495:Line1_Child7.0, df1, fsfef, sfLine2_Child7.02, fdfsfLine3_Child7.03Line4_Child7.04Line5_Child7.05Line6_Child7.06:6656:124536_6656:4276:D15254,00-}

Scenario 2

Connect Feeder component to the input port and Display component to the output port of the NEFTConverter. Configure the component to NEFT/RTGS to XML mode, and set the NEFT/RTGS Message with block A and block 4 as the default input in the Feeder. The fields configured in the CPS for Header message will be used for converting the NEFT/RTGS transaction to XML and field values will be validated as per the configuration setup in the component CPS.

Sample Input

{HDFC0001543ICIC000475225052012521416542}{4::2020:TransactionR:2006:RelatedRe:6726:gsdgsd12345:8191:CD:6448:G:6426:L:7495:Line1_Child7.0, df1, fsfef, sfLine2_Child7.02, fdfsfLine3_Child7.03Line4_Child7.04Line5_Child7.05Line6_Child7.06:6656:124536_6656:4276:D15254,00-}

Sample Output

Scenario 3

Connect Feeder component to the input port and Display component to the output port of the NEFTConverter. Configure the component to XML to NEFT/RTGS mode, and set the schema in the Feeder input.

Sample Input

Sample Output

{HDFC0001543ICIC000475225052012521416542}{4::2020:TransactionR:2006:RelatedRe:6726:gsdgsd12345:8191:CD:6448:G:6426:L:7495:Line1_Child7.0, df1, fsfef, sfLine2_Child7.02, fdfsfLine3_Child7.03Line4_Child7.04Line5_Child7.05Line6_Child7.06:6656:124536_6656:4276:D15254,00-}

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