
Deletion of a topic/subtopic from the hierarchical name space depends on the value of the parameter AllowDeletionOfSubTopics, which can be configured through Fiorano Studio. If this value is set to true, then deletion of a topic/subtopic deletes all the children of this topic/subtopic. However, if it is set to false, the following exception is raised, indicating that the User needs to first delete the children of the topic/subtopic before deleting the topic itself.

By default, this variable is set to false. Follow the steps given below to delete a hierarchical topic\subtopic.

  1. Start Fiorano eStudio/Studio and login to FMQ-JMX
  2. Select the Topic config from JMX Connection->Fiorano>mq>PubSub>Topic>${TopicName}->config
  3. Enable the value of the parameter named AllowDeletionOfSubtopics (GeneralPropeties) by setting it up to TRUE from the drop-down list.

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