
Change Profile to Enable B2B Jetty

B2B Jetty needs to be enabled to start B2B Dashboard, which can be done in Fiorano eStudio.

Open Fiorano eStudio and perform the following actions to change the Profile settings:

  1. Open Profile Management perspective (Window > Open Perspective > Other > Profile Management)


    Ensure that Enterprise Server (FES) is not running; stop the FES in case you have started it. 

    Figure 1: Opening Profile Management perspective

  2. Right-click Profiles and open FES profile (Load Profile > Fiorano > Profile1 > FES)

    Figure 2: Opening FES profile
  3. In FES window, expand FES > Fiorano > Esb > B2B and select B2BJetty. Then select EnableStart checkbox present in ComponentInstance Configuration section under Properties of B2BJetty screen and save (File > Save or press Save icon) the changes.

    Figure 3: Properties of B2BJetty screen

Add Database Driver Jars in Server Configuration file

B2B uses database to store information, which is configured in the Fiorano B2B Dashboard. Ensure that you have the required driver(s) for the database and it must be saved in extlib folder under FioranoHome to bind Admin Privileges to work with the DB.

Once you have the required jars saved in the above-mentioned location, the path needs to be specified in the configuration files as explained after the note below.

  • Create a separate folder under extlib for your convenience (to manage when more drivers get added further).
  • If the database jar is not available in the system, please download the jar. Save it in extlib folder.
  1. Add the path of the database jar (ojdbc6.jar) in configuration file: fes.conf, present in: FioranoHome\esb\fes\bin (this file has the set up required to run the FES).

    Figure 4: Adding jdbc path in FES Configuration file
  2. Also, comment out the line present under the instruction (the instruction says "Comment out the below line if using Yawl OR B2B with ESB") that says to do so and then save and close the file.

    Figure 5: Commenting out a line in FES Configuration file


    In case you are starting the server from the location FioranoHome\esb\server\bin, the driver path has to be added in the server.conf configuration file present in that location.

Start the Servers

Fiorano Enterprise Server (FES) and Fiorano Peer Server (FPS) can be launched from the Windows Start menu or by directly executing a script file from the Fiorano framework.

From Start Menu in Windows

Navigate through Start > Programs > Fiorano > Fiorano Platform > Fiorano Servers > Fiorano ESB Server/ Fiorano ESB Peer to start FES/FPS.

From Script Files

Run the following scripts available from the location FioranoHome\esb\fes\bin and FioranoHome\esb\fps\bin to start FES and FPS respectively:

  • fes.bat/.sh
  • fps.bat/.sh

This loads the default profile which is Profile 1. As the edited profile is Profile 1 itself, this step will meet the requirement, but when the profile is saved with a different name, run the following script from the same location as explained above:


If you are starting the servers from the location: FioranoHome \esb\server\bin, then amend the commands as follows:

  • Use 'fps' in place of 'fes' to start FPS
  • Use "–profile" to launch specific profile

If you scroll up in the fes console, you can find the RMI port number: 2047.

Figure 6: FES console showing RMI port number

Also notice that B2B Server listens to the B2B Dashboard port: 1970.

Figure 7: FES console showing B2B Server listening port

After ensuring that the servers are up and running, continue with the following steps to configure the Fiorano B2B Dashboard.

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