How to Migrate from the older Fiorano version?


To understand how to upgrade your current Fiorano environment to Fiorano 12.2.0, please refer to the sections below:

The following sections list new and changed features, resolved issues, and known issues and limitations pertaining to the Fiorano 12.1.0 version:

What's New

B2B Dashboard

A revamped B2B dashboard using REST APIs to communicate with Fiorano B2B Server, to assist in configuring and maintaining B2B artifacts. This dashboard which is built on the Angular framework is more user-friendly and intuitive.
New features in this dashboard include:

  • Support to create channels and contacts independent of trading parties.
  • Support to re-use channels and contacts in multiple trading parties.
  • Revamped view of server logs.

API Management

  • Option to store system events in any RDBMS database.
  • Option to configure Backup Cassandra Server details to avoid a single point of failure while reading or writing API data.
  • Support for IBM DB2 to store API Data.
  • Configurable option to disable a few HTTP methods to enhance security.

Developer Portal

  • New and improved Developer Portal for simple and easy access to APIs for developers.
  • Support for analytics data
    • based on developers, subscriptions, and products for administrators.
    • based on subscriptions for individual and organization developers.


  • Option to generate reports for monetization in API products.

New Microservices

  • Cassandra DB
    Helps to perform CRUD operations on Cassandra DB. The component supports XML and JSON formats.

  • Node JS
    Supports hosting NodeJS server and NodeJS clients. Communication to and from the component to NodeJS server/client will be done through socket communication.

  • Excel Writer
    ExcelWriter component is used to write data into a new excel file or update the data in the same excel file.

New Features in Microservices

  • WebServiceConsumer 5.0: Added a property 'Send SOAP Messages as Output' which creates a separate port to track actual Soap Request and Response sent/received to/from the webservice.
  • LDAPLookup
    • Proxy Implementation
    • Removed limitation of 1000 records for the Lookup operation
  • S3Upload and S3Download: Option to use https/http protocol while connecting to AWS.
  • MQTT: Option to specify custom encryption for encryption/decryption of password in Connection Configuration.
  • Fiorano B2B
    • Option to choose a preferred partner from the Dashboard based on which B2BConnector can directly send during runtime.
    • Option to send to a host dynamically during runtime in B2BConnector.
    • Option to receive from all hosts in B2BConnector.
  • WebServiceConsumer 4.0: Support for retaining TTL from WebServiceConsumer 4.0 to WSStub.
  • DB: Added an Expert Boolean Property "Remove schema name prefix from column names" under Advanced Settings to exclude schema prefix from column names during query creation in CPS (Custom Property Sheet).
  • DBQueryOnInput: Added an Expert Property 'Date Format' to specify the date format to be used while returning date columns.
  • MT2XML and XML2MT: Support for 2020 MT standards.
  • SWIFTMTValidator: Support for MT103 and MT199 standard type 2020.
  • KafkaConnector: Added support for poll interval and threshold-based exit in cases where no message is received.


  • Option to classify a set of Peer servers as a group.
  • A new feature called Group Process has been added with which the component group can be launched in multiple peer server groups.
  • Option to pass profile display name and server group name in server start command.
  • Message size and message body size properties are set by default in message properties.
  • Option to integrate APIProjects, GroupProcesses, and EventProcesses repositories with Version Control systems.


  • Option to check dependencies of an event process in eStudio.
  • Option to copy named configurations from one environment to another in eStudio.
  • Option to set eStudio component and event process repository to initial state on logging out from Fiorano Enterprise Server.
  • Option to download attachments in message subscriber dialog.
  • Tools perspective: Option to toggle between horizontal and vertical views in EDI and TFL editors.
  • Option to launch an event process automatically during FES startup.

What's Changed

API Management

  • Going by the Oauth Specification, changed the Content Type header value from "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" to "application/json" in Token Endpoint Policy response.
  • Redirecting execution to error scope in case of target exceptions.
  • Claims configured as null are represented in the JWT claims as null value instead of "null" string.
    • Support multiple values for "aud" claim in case of both generation and verification of JWT.
  • Jetty server details are no longer sent in the API response.


  • Fiorano B2B: Support to add multiple trading parties with same login credentials in an FTP flow. Previously, multiple FTP server with different directory structures were required to be configured in the B2B Dashboard to run the B2B FTP flows. Now a single FTP server with different directory structure can be used to run the B2B FTP flows.


  • Changed default values of the following properties:
    • API: Changed default ConnectionsPerRoute to 100, ThreadPoolSize to 60, MaxConnections to 500.
    • API and Jetty: Changed default MaxThreads to 1500.
  • Storing the compressed SBW message body to minimize the database diskspace usage.

Resolved Issues

API Management

  • Unable to get Request and Response Schemas in OpenAPI specification when viewed from Dashboard.
  • Request timeout feature is not working when the "Enable proxy" option is disabled in the target configuration.
  • Header parameters are not getting masked in Trace transactions logs.


  • Encrypt Message Policy is failing to execute when the TripleDES algorithm is used.
  • Lookup Cache Policy is not working when the "Distributed" property is enabled in Populate Cache Policy.


  • B2BConnector
    • Database connection is not created even when valid details are provided.
    • Files are not renamed even when RENAME option is selected for the 'Action if same file exists' property.
  • SocketAdapter: "BufferUnderflowException" is thrown when length bytes is sent in more than one message.
  • JSONConverter: Empty element value is shown as null even though the 'Treat Empty Elements as Non-Array in JSON' property is set to 'No' when namespace is present in the input request.
  • MQTT: Errors not logged in case of In-memory launch.
  • KafkaProducer: Connection errors not logged in case of Synchronous mode.
  • Text2XML: Generating an improper sample message from the Scheduling page.
  • S3Download: Output files getting overwritten in case of multiple sessions.
  • Message Expiration time is not retained in a few components.
  • DBProc: Issue in the output when Microsoft SQL Server versions are used for stored procedures which has output parameters.
  • RESTConsumer: Issue with HTTP authentication - Basic Authentication used is non-preemptive and Authorization header is not sent in the first request itself making the request fail for the servers that do not support them. The Preemptive mode will be used as default.
  • Warning displayed in component logs when RESTStub is stopped. Fixed the issue where WADL file was not deleted on stopping RESTStub.
  • Custom Component generation and Java(EDBC): Log modules created with generic names which caused log modules to fail.


  • "Unexpected EOF in prolog" error when server low memory alerts are raised.
  • User-defined id columns not getting reflected in DB without restarting the Enterprise server.
  • Components in the group process getting stopped if the component having the same name as the group process id is being stopped.
  • Component memory usage and allocation is shown as "0MB" in certain cases.
  • JMS event alerts not getting raised when Active MQ Server is being used as the MQ provider.
  • Application Documents fail to load with error "invalid column index" when Oracle 12c is being used.
  • SBW module fails to start when MSSQL RDBMS is being used.
  • Records not getting inserted into SBW Callout DB when IBM DB2 is being used.

Known Issues and Limitations

Known Issues

  • If multiple eStudio clients are connected to the same Enterprise Server and working on the same Event Process, the changes made by one client will not be reflected to the other clients.
  • While logging on to eStudio (server on Windows 2012), if the user is not logged in as admin, he/she could get exceptions while connecting to eStudio. The reason is that by default the NTFS file system does not provide necessary Write permissions to a Guest User. And if the default temp file location that java uses falls outside the permissible territory, it results in the aforementioned exceptions.
    • Resolution: The '' property should be set to some location within permissible limits (in server.conf/fes.conf) or the user should be given explicit Write permissions.
  • JMSIn/JMSOut/JMSRequestor microservices running on a Linux machine cannot connect to a Weblogic server running on a remote Linux machine using the T3 (default) protocol; the HTTP protocol should be used instead.
  • SBW search does not work properly with the MSSQL database when an Event Process name has Japanese characters.
  • SimpleHttp Microservice fails when the length of IP and subnet are different in the system property "http.nonProxyHosts".


  • eStudio:
    • Customization of Error Logs and Problems View to show only eStudio-related logs is not supported.
    • Event Processes created prior to SOA 2007 SP4 cannot be imported.
  • eMapper:
    • Option to import an extension is not present.
    • Validation of Types is not present while compiling funclets.
    • EDI and CSV formats are not supported.
  • Feature not supported—Cannot use overloaded java functions for scripts imported from a TMF file.
  • Applications created prior to SOA 2007 SP3 using WS Stub and Http Stub microservices are not compatible with the latest versions.
    • Work around: After importing, reconfigure WS Stub and Http Stub instances.


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