How to Migrate from the older Fiorano version?


To understand how to upgrade your current Fiorano environment to Fiorano 12.1.0, please refer to the Migration Across Releases section.

The following sections list new and changed features, resolved issues, and known issues and limitations pertaining to the Fiorano 12.1.0 version:

What’s New


  • Support for OpenID Connect protocol in OAuth policies.
  • Oracle DB and MSSql DB support for storing API data (Products, subscriptions, tokens etc.).
  • Option to configure a different database for each Server group to store API data.
  • Support to parse client certificate and populate Qualified Certificate (QC) statement properties into context variables.
  • Option to check client certificate revocation status and populate in context variables. Support for local CRL file, CRL distribution points and OCSP.
  • Integrated Identity and Access Management (IAM) tool with the product which can be used for securing the resources by assigning appropriate access rights.
  • Support for multiple Jetty server connectors in API Gateway Server.
  • Analytics: Oracle and MSSql DB support to store Analytics data.
  • Advanced features in Monetization such as revenue sharing and custom attribute-based metering etc..

API Management

  • Option to configure e-mail alerts for license expiry warnings.
  • Option to fetch multiple values using XPath from XML payload using 'Assign Variable Policy'.
  • Audit logs support for API Management operations.
  • Scripts to take backup and restore Cassandra tables.
  • REST API to generate client code for API projects.


  • New Policies:
    • XML to OFS converter.
    • Socket Client Policy.
  • OAuth policy: 'Refresh token expiry time' is now configurable in Token End point policy.

Developer Portal

  • Option for developers to upload public keys to Fiorano API Management Server to support two-way SSL.
  • Option to generate client code for API Projects.
  • Option to configure maximum failed login attempts by a developer and password strength required when modifying passwords.
  • Option to regenerate consumer key and secret by developer.

New Microservices

  • Datadog 4.0: The component helps to send events and alerts to the Datadog Agent server.
  • AmazonSNS 4.0: The component can publish messages asynchronously to Amazon SNS Topic by using the given topic ARN or new topic created with the given Topic Name. Also, subscribing an email endpoint for Amazon SNS topic can be done by providing the protocol as email and the given email address as endpoint.

Features in Microservices

  • Encryption and Decryption:
    • Added Support for text, Base64 encoded format of Keys in addition to the previously supported Hex format.
    • Added support to process input/output data in Hex format.
  • JSON Converter: Option to send empty element values as null in Json output
  • LDAP Components: Support for named Configurations.
  • MT2XML and XML2MT: Support for transforming SWIFT Message Type (MT) messages confirming to 2018 Standards.
  • HL7Sender: Support for pooling HL7 server connections.
  • MSCRM 4.0: Support to connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 online and perform CRUD operations on entities.
  • B2B Connector: Support to encrypt/decrypt messages in Message Type Binding.


  • Option to configure e-mail alerts for license expiry warnings.
  • Option to install servers as services using YAJSW.

ESB Dashboard

  • Support for multiple user-defined document IDs in SBW document.
  • REST APIs to monitor and manage server operations.


  • On logging into Fiorano Enterprise Server in eStudio, unique ID of the server will be added to <EnterpriseServerNodeName>.properties in %FIORANO_HOME%\runtimedata\eStudio\<workspace_name>\.repositories\Online. This unique ID will be used to differentiate the Enterprise servers when the user logs in to multiple Enterprise servers at the same time from same estudio.
  • Provided a Right-click option on a service instance port to show all routes originating from or ending with that port.


  • Support for providing JMS message properties while testing mappings in the Test XSL window of eMapper.

What’s Changed

API Management

  • Analytics data is not be pushed to AMS server if analytics is disabled.


  • XML Security Provider: Provided support to take configuration details from Headers.
  • OFS Converter: Support for both OFS to XML and XML to OFS conversions for message types starting with Header.
  • WebService Consumer: Changed SOAP messages sent to Webservice to include type attributes if present in input XML.


  • Database connection configuration details for storing SBW data, Event data, Call-out Data and Analytics Data are moved to profile config.


Resolved Issues

API Management

  • SBW message pileup due to passive durable subscriber on SBW Events topic.
  • Gateway server reconnection to AMS is getting delayed due to pending analytics/trace messages in cspCache.
  • Debugger: Policies in error scope are not executed.
  • Resource mapping is incorrect in a specific scenario while ‘Accept Child Paths’ option is chosen.
  • Data related to grouping criteria while exporting analytics data as csv is not shown.


  • DB: Component is not respecting the socket timeout property in case of an unreachable connection, when dynamic connections option is used with multiple sessions
  • LDAPLookup:  Base Search Node tree is not generated properly when CN has '/' in it
  • T24Outbound and T24Inbound: Not being able to launch component when TAFC named configuration is used.
  • S3Download: Downloaded files are getting overwritten when same file names exist even after enabling ‘append counter’ option.
  • POP3: Empty message is received on few occasions when "send empty messages" option is disabled.
  • Socket Adapter: Improper output when message length is less than 2 bytes.
  • REST Consumer: POST method getting invoked instead of GET when bytes data is sent in the input.
  • WebService Consumer: SOAP Version is not properly set from the WSDL.
  • ExceptionListener: Component stops working during Memory threshold errors and auto revalidation of topic connections are dropped.
  • DB, FTP and File: First connection retry is happening before sleep interval.
  • REST Stub: Output is received from the RESTStub service instance even after the component is stopped from the Scriptgen console.
  • XML Security Provider: Passwords are saved in plain text format in configuration XML files.


  • Peer Server reconnection to FES getting delayed due to huge pending SBW messages in CspCache.


  • Enterprise Server nodes added in the Server Explorer view are not visible upon eStudio restart.


  • On enabling 'Add xsi:type attributes to elements' in XSLT properties of mapper, xsi:type is not added for un-mapped parent elements.

Known Issues and Limitations

Known Issues

  • If multiple eStudio clients are connected to the same Enterprise Server and working on the same Event Process, the changes made by one client will not be reflected to the other clients.
  • There is a race condition which under rare circumstances leads to corruption of the Peer Server's PUBSUB database on multiple start/stop events of an Event Process accompanied by multiple failovers of a Shared HA Peer Server. The Peer Server refuses to start after this point. For exact sequence of steps that may lead to this issue, please refer to KB#3273 on the Fiorano Support Portal following the URL
    • Workaround: Clear Peer Server's PUBSUB database manually. The PUBSUB database is present under: $FIORANO_HOME/runtimedata/PeerServers/<PeerProfileName>/FPS/run/PUBSUB.
  • While logging on to eStudio (server on Windows 2012), if the user is not logged in as admin, he/she could get exceptions while connecting to eStudio.The reason is that by default the NTFS file system does not provide necessary Write permissions to a Guest User. And if the default temp file location that java uses falls outside the permissible territory, it results in the aforementioned exceptions.
    • Resolution: The '' property should be set to some location within permissible limits (in server.conf/fes.conf) or the user should be given explicit Write permissions.
  • A Peer Server run as an NT Service under a Domain User account in Windows fails to deploy more microservices after about 75 microservices have already been deployed.
  • JMSIn/JMSOut/JMSRequestor microservices running on a Linux machine cannot connect to a Weblogic server running on a remote Linux machine using the T3 (default) protocol; the HTTP protocol should be used instead.
  • SBW search does not work properly with the MSSQL database when an Event Process name has Japanese characters.
  • SimpleHttp Microservice fails when the length of IP and subnet are different in the system property "http.nonProxyHosts".



  • Layouts will not be completely preserved when an Event Process is opened in eStudio and nStudio.
  • Customization of Error Logs and Problems View to show only eStudio-related logs is not supported.
  • Event Processes created prior to SOA 2007 SP4 cannot be imported.


  • Option to import an extension is not present.
  • Validation of Types is not present while compiling funclets.
  • EDI and CSV formats are not supported.
  • Feature not supported—Cannot use overloaded java functions for scripts imported from a TMF file.
  • Applications created prior to SOA 2007 SP3 using WS Stub and Http Stub microservices are not compatible with the latest versions.
    • Work around: After importing, reconfigure WS Stub and Http Stub instances.
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