

Since SSL support is provided for Jetty, it is possible to configure the SSL parameters for Jetty running with Gateway by editing corresponding AGS profiles.

By default, the SSL property for Jetty is disabled. To enable this property, perform the actions below:

  1. Go to the eStudio application and open the AGS profile from the Profile Management perspective before starting the AGS server.
  2. Navigate to APIGateway > Jetty PeerAPIManagementJetty, and select the SSLEnabled properties checkbox.

    Figure 1: Configuring Jetty for AGS
  3. Specify the values for KeyStoreLocation, KeyStorePassword, TrustStore, TrustStorePasswd, and save the AGS profile.

    Figure 2: Configuring SSL settings
  4. Start the servers. Jetty gets started with SSL enabled.
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