Below sections illustrate how to configure and use GIT version control in eStudio:

Downloading and Integrating GIT into eStudio

Open eStudio and perform the following operations:

  1. Go to Help menu and click the Install New Software option to open the Install New Software wizard.

  2. Click the Add button and provide the URL in the Add Repository dialog box and click OK.


    The Name text box may be left blank.


  3. Select the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment option under the General Purpose Tools name and click Next twice.

  4. Accept the Licence agreement and click Finish.

  5. When the installation is done, restart eStudio as it prompts to do so.

  6. Open the Install New Software wizard and add Select all features except EGit Plug-in Import Support and click Finish.

  7. Click Next twice, agree to the License Agreement, click Finish, and restart eStudio upon prompting.

Sharing Applications to Git

Before Proceeding, make sure you added a property http.sslVerify property to false. To do so, perform the operations below:

  1. Open WindowPreferences.
  2. Go to Team > GitConfiguration.
  3. Click the Add Entry button and provide the values as below:
    • Key: http.sslVerify
    • Value: false
  4. Click Apply and click OK.

  5. Open Online Event Process Development Perspective or Online Event Process Development Perspective in eStudio.
  6. Log out of Enterprise server if already logged in.
  7. Open Git Repositories view from Window > Show View > Other > Git > Git Repositories.
  8. Click the Clone a Git Repository link and add a clone to this View button.

  9. In the Clone GIT Repository window, provide the URI in the following format and click Next twice:

    URI format


    • The Host and Repository path fields get auto populated when URI is added.
    • Provide credentials under the Authentication section and enable the Store in Secure Store option to avoid the future screens from prompting for credentials.

  10. In the Local Destination panel, enter the local destination path as follows:

    %FIORANO_HOME%/runtimedata/eStudio/workspace/.repositories/Online/EnterpriseServer/Applications, and click Finish.


    A clone of the Git repo will be added to the Git Repositories view.

  11. Login into the Enterprise server.


    If the event processes from the Git Repository are not reflecting, refresh the Event Process Repository.

Adding an Event Process to Git

Event processes created in eStudio can be committed (exported) to the Git Repository by performing the following actions:

  1. Select Team > Commit.

  2. In the Commit Changes dialog box, provide some comments that signify the action, select all files, and click the Commit and Push button to save the event process in the GIT repository.


    Check in the GIT repository to find the event process reflecting there.



  3. After committing, configure Push. Right-click the property under Remotes > origin and select Configure Push.

  4. In the Configure Push dialog box, click the Add Button and press spacebar in Remote branch textbox to select the branch from the options that appear. Click the Save and Push button.

  5. Configure Fetch also in the same manner as above.

  6. Right-click the shared Event Process in the Server Explorer and click Refresh to notice the change in the file name and the icon with the dirty flag.

Checking Out the Project from GIT Repository

To check out a project from GIT repository, follow the steps in the Sharing Applications to Git section and then perform the following actions:

  1. Configure Push and Fetch by following steps 3 -5 in the Adding an Event Process to Git section.
  2. Check out. Right-click the repository and click the Fetch option.

  3. Go to Branches > Remote Tracking. Right-click the sub node and click the Checkout option.


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