

This option allows you to select the type of recorded data that you want to analyze and the X-Y axis representation for each as mentioned below.

Figure 1: Analytics section with the list of Metrics displayed under Analyze drop-down

To change from one metrics option to the other, select the desired option from the Analyze drop-down list as shown above.

Refer the below table for the descriptions of all Metric options

Metric OptionDescriptionMetric OptionDescription
TRAFFICNumber of calls received by the server.AVG_PROXY_REQUEST_SIZEAverage size in bytes that is received from the client.
CACHE_HITNumber of times response is retrieved from the cache without calling the backend serverMAX_PROXY_REQUEST_SIZEMaximum size in bytes that is received from the client.


Number of errors occurred in the proxy pipeline.MIN_PROXY_REQUEST_SIZEMinimum size in bytes that is received from the client.
CACHE_ERRORSNumber of errors occurred while accessing the cache.AVG_PROXY_RESPONSE_SIZEAverage size in bytes that is sent to the client.
TOTAL_ERRORSTotal number of Errors occurred in Proxy as well as the backend server.MAX_PROXY_RESPONSE_SIZEMaximum size in bytes that is sent to the client.
POLICY_ERRORSNumber of Errors occurred due to the violation of policies.MIN_PROXY_RESPONSE_SIZEMinimum size in bytes that is sent to the client.
AVG_PROXY_PROCESSING_TIMEAverage time in milliseconds that a request has been processed in the proxy server.AVG_TARGET_REQUEST_SIZEAverage size of the request in bytes sent to the target server.
MAX_PROXY_PROCESSING_TIMEMaximum time in milliseconds that a request has been processed in the proxy server.MAX_TARGET_REQUEST_SIZEMaximum size of the request in bytes sent to the target server.
MIN_PROXY_PROCESSING_TIMEMinimum time in milliseconds that a request has been processed in the proxy server.MIN_TARGET_REQUEST_SIZEMinimum size of the request in bytes sent to the target server.
AVG_TARGET_PROCESSING_TIMEAverage time in milliseconds that a request has been processed by the backend server.AVG_TARGET_RESPONSE_SIZEAverage size of the response in bytes received from the target server.
MAX_TARGET_PROCESSING_TIMEMaximum time in milliseconds that a request has been processed by the backend server.MAX_TARGET_RESPONSE_SIZEMaximum size of the response in bytes received from the target server.
MIN_TARGET_PROCESSING_TIMEMinimum time in milliseconds that a request has been processed by the backend server.MIN_TARGET_RESPONSE_SIZEMinimum size of the response in bytes received from the target server.

Table 1: X-Y axis representation for the recorded Metric Type selected

Figure 2: Analyze option with Porxy_Error metrics chosen


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