
Editing the snooper Configuration on a Destination in the Offline Mode

For information about configuring profiles through a text based file, refer to FioranoMQ Installation and Setup.

  1. Launch Fiorano eStudio and open the required profile for offline editing through the Profile Manager tab. The tree displayed shows all queues and topics created under the node ptp and pubsub as shown in the figure below.
  2. Navigate to QueuingSubSystem or TopicSubSystem and edit the property EnableSnooperOnAllQueues or EnableSnooperOnAllTopics entering the value required.

3. Right-click the profile and select Save from the pop-up menu.

Editing the snooper Configuration on a Destination in the Online Mode

  1. Launch Fiorano eStudio and connect to the appropriate Server through the Server Explorer pane.
  2. Select the Snooper node in the tree, right-click and select Add/Remove Destinations. The Add/Remove dialog box is displayed showing all the destinations for which Snooper is currently configured.

3. Click the Add button and another dialog box Add... is displayed showing the remaining destinations for which snooper is displayed.

4. Select the desired destination(s) (multiple selections are allowed by pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard) and then click the OK button.

5. Right-click on the FMQ node and select Save Configurations from the pop-up menu.

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