
Connecting an application to the HTTP Proxy Server on port 8080 can be done in any one of the following ways.

(a) Set the host and port as parameters in client applications:

If the client is to connect to the SOCKS proxy Server

(b) Set JVM parameters through the run-client.bat ( for UNIX Systems) file:

Modify the run-client.bat ( on UNIX Systems), so as to add the following arguments to the VM (VM properties):

If the client is to connect to the SOCKS proxy Server on port 1080, modify run-client.bat ( on UNIX Systems):

Client applications can be customized for popular proxy servers such as MicrosoftISAProxy and Netscape Proxy, using the HTTP_PROXY_TYPE parameter. This parameter can be specified in client applications.

Proxy Authentication

Various Proxy Authentication parameters such as the Authentication Realm username and password can be specified from the client application as JNDi environment variables:

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