
After the Apache TomEE installation, the following configuration changes have to be done to integrate with the FioranoMQ resource adapter:

  1. The below-mentioned system property needs to be set in Apache TomEE's JVM to allow the FioranoMQ resource adapter to set the clientID provided in MDB's activation-config-property 'clientID'.


    Failure to set the above system property will result in Fiorano MDB deployment failure.

  2. In order to make sure that the FioranoMQ classes are loaded by Apache TomEE's parent class loader rather than its child class loaders, the following property needs to be mentioned in Apache TomEE's '' file located by default under $TomEE_HOME/conf. Please refer Apache TomEE's classloader documentation for more information.

  3. Since FioranoMQ uses facade-based logging framework 'slf4j', Apache TomEE's '' file (located by default under $TomEE_HOME/conf) can be edited to configure FioranoMQ client runtime loggers. Log snippet given below will configure the FioranoMQ client logger 'Fiorano.FMQ.Services.ClientRootLoggerServices.FMQClientLoggerServices' to INFO level and sets a file appender to it.


TomEE version with which FioranoMQ resource adapter has been tested is TomEE 7.0.2 plus

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