
XA can be configured in offline mode only.


For information about configuring profiles through a text based file, see FioranoMQ Installation and Setup.

FioranoMQ comes with a preconfigured XA-enabled FioranoMQ profile named FioranoMQ_XA. XA can be enabled in the default profile by following the steps given below:

  1. Launch Fiorano Studio and open FioranoMQ (default profile) using the ProfileManager
  2. Navigate to FioranoMQ > Fiorano > mq. Right-click and select Add Domain from the pop-up menu.

  3. Enter the domain name in the Input pane displayed and click on the OK button. This domain is named XA in the example.
  4. Right-click the new domain and select Add Components from the pop-up menu; an Add Components to the Profile window pops up.

  5. Navigate to Fiorano > Jms > XA > etc and check the XAResourceManager component and click OK.
  6. Resolve all the unresolved dependencies (which are marked with a red icon). Select the unresolved dependencies. In the property pane, choose the right value for this service instance.
  7. Navigate to FioranoMQ > Fiorano > mq > XA > FileDBManager > FileDBManager and in the Properties of FileDBManager, enter the path name XA

  8. XA requires RDBMS based storage. To enable this, go to FioranoMQ > Fiorano > etc >RdbmsDBManager and in the Properties of FileDBManager
    enable the EnableRdbms property.

  9. Add the XAResourceManager component to the dependency list of Fiorano > etc > ExServiceManager. This can be done by right-clicking the Dependson node under the ExServiceManager. An Add Component as Dependency dialog box is displayed. Check XAResourceManager and click OK.
  10. Right-click the profile and select the Save option from the pop-up menu.
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