
The RouteUtility tool creates/removes multiple routes between destinations (Queues/Topics) based on the configuration file specified while running the route utility. The configuration file (routes.xml) contains the route properties of the each route to be created.
'routes.xml' file is located at $FIORANO_HOME/fmq/Utilities/RouteUtility/conf folder. If one of the route configuration is not specified with proper values, remaining routes can still be created/removed.

Command to Create/Remove Routes



ConfigFile: XML file which contains configuration of the routes. If no configuration file is specified while running the route Utility then 'routes.xml' will be taken as the default configuration file.

Operation: Operation that needs to be executed using the route utility.

ValidValues: CreateRoutes or removeRoutes.

If no operation is specified, then this will take 'createRoutes' as its operation.

Modifying routes.xml to Add/Delete Routes

'route.xml' provided with the RouteUtility has been preconfigured to create multiple routes with a unique Guid for each route. In order to add more routes to the XML file, please modify the XML file as shown below:

In order to add a new route copy the below tag and edit it and append to the routes.xml file. The complete syntax shown below will add the new route.

In order to delete a route remove the tag corresponding to the route to be deleted from the route.xml file

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