Question 1: How do I integrate FioranoMQ with an Application Server?

FioranoMQ integrates seamlessly with many Application Servers such as JBoss and Oracle9i. There are three ways in which Application Server users can leverage the functionalities of JMS:

  • Implementing advanced JMS APIs to support Application Server Integration
  • Using Message Driven beans (MDBs)
  • Integrating FioranoMQ with an EJB Application Server

For more information, refer to the Application Server Integration section.

Question 2: Is it possible to develop Message Driven Beans (MDBs) through the integration of FioranoMQ and JBOSS?

Yes, you can integrate FioranoMQ with JBoss to implement the Message Driven Bean functionality. For more information, refer to the Application Server Integration section. 

Question 3: How do I integrate FioranoMQ with Oracle Application Server?

The FioranoMQ Server can be successfully integrated with Oracle Application Server. For more information, refer to the section 27.12 FioranoMQ 2007 - Oracle 10g Application Server in the FioranoMQ Handbook.

Question 4: How can ATG Dynamo Message Service be configured to work with FioranoMQ Server?

To configure Dynamo Message Service to work with FioranoMQ, declare the provider in the Patch Bay configuration, and then configure the appropriate message sources and sinks to use the Destinations in that provider. For more information refer to the section 27.6 FioranoMQ 2007- ATG Dynamo Message Service in the FioranoMQ Handbook.

Question 5: If I have multiple queues, do I need to add all of them in the applica- tion.xml file of OC4J ? If so, how can that be done? value=""/> name="resource.names"value="primaryQueue"/>

Multiple resources can be specified by separating the values with comma, for example,
<property name="resource.names" value="primaryQueue,primaryQCF,secondaryQueue" />

Question 6: With HA, do I have to add the backupurl in this configuration file too? If so how would the syntax look like?

To make the MDBs work with HA and Backup URL, AllowDurableConnection needs to be passed as property, for example,
<property name="java.naming.factory.initial" value="fiorano.jms.runtime.naming.Fiora-noInitialContextFactory" /><property name="java.naming.provider.url" value="http://localhost:1856" /><property name="BackupConnectURLs" value="http://localhost:2856" /><property name="AllowDurableConnections" value="true" /><property name="resource.names" value="primaryQueue,primaryQCF" />

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