
Persistent messages can be stored using:

File based store: FioranoMQ has a proprietary mechanism to store/retrieve messages from a flat-file based store.


RDBMS based store: Messages can be stored in a JDBC-compliant RDBMS. Any standard RDBMS like Oracle, MSSQL, MySql, IBM DB2, Cloudscape, and HSQL can be used to store the messages. An administrator can configure the server to store messages in these message stores. By default, FioranoMQ is configured to use a file-based message store. FioranoMQ also provides the support for using different stores for the two messaging domains. There is one store for messages on PTP domain and another for messages in the Pub/Sub domain. The type of store to be used for messages associated with a particular destination can be specified during the creation of the destination. Administrators can specify the storage type of a destination using:

  • The FioranoMQ Administrator Console
  • The FioranoMQ Administration API
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